• Untitled

94 12 2

You are the sun that kisses my skin each morning and you are the cold mist that makes me shiver.

You were always so right and so wrong, so day and so night, you-

you made me realize earth rotates in the hope that someday you shall get dizzy and sit back to think about all the things you did wrong.

I will rip my chest open and bleed out all of the reasons why I still love you.

I will dye my blood blue - like, your favorite shade of blue - so that next time I stain your walls you won't be as mad 

I will cut off my tongue and then the only way I'll have of telling you how much I love you will be by showing instead of saying.

If I could, I would drink all of the water in our oceans so you wouldn't ever be scared of drowning again.

If I could, I'd make all of the impossible things happen like

I'd make you love me.

I'd make you love me so much you'd feel what I feel.

Every time I think about you,

My stomach sinks in a forever deep lake

I believe that if someday I drown in it

I may find you there.


This is more compilation of sentences tha a poem. I just wrote a bunch of random ones and put them together to this. If it doesn't make sense, read them as separated sentences I guess.
Anyway, before someone asks me

"Jessica this is poem 31 but you had already posted a poem 31"

well I guess that's not a question but-

"Don't love you" was a thing a wrote when I was full of hate, and even though I like the poem, it's not the kind of thing I want to put here.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful day

if you don't, you can always contact me


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