In a haze

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I opened the door with excitement. I felt how the chills run through my body and my heart started beating for it's life.

There. My perfect harmony, my beautiful creature and the love of my life. I did not even make an effort to speak as our lips were already searching for each others. The sweet taste of soft, cherry lips that sent my mind into a deep, amazing daze of sexual desires.

'I've waited for this, I have craved to touch your naked innocent flesh.'

'How about letting me give you more to explore'

As those words were spoken, I felt how I was grabbed from the arch of my back and pushed against the wall softly to be met by more sweet kisses. I embraced them, endured them and let them be like an exposure to my fading mind.

I was losing my mind and I loved it. The very many twisted thoughts that were swimming through my mind as my sexual desires developed to freaky fantasies. 

We were fighting for control, but that stopped as I felt the soft touch along my neck. The touch continued down to my breasts. I bit my lips as I felt a moist explosion in my pants. I squeezed my thighs together as we continued making love with out tongues.

I must say, at this time we were still pressed against the wall not thinking about locking the door or even going into the bedroom. I did not mind though, my eyes were fixated on the eyes starring into my very soul. I felt along the back of my lover and let out a slight moan as I felt more and more lustful pleads.

The hands of my lover continued exploring my curved body as I bit my lip watching the very sensual moves their hand made. My lover slowly found their way to my moist area and I let out a surprisingly loud moan. I closed my mouth again to keep quiet as I knew the door was still open and of course I had neighbours who would gladly raise a complain upon my sinful life choices.

I felt how the magical hands shifted from circular motions unto more specific movements against my aroused and sensitive area.

'I want you to say my name'

The pace speeded up rapidly and my body accepted it gladly with a shiver and uncontrolled movements going up and down against the palm of my lover. As my lover noticed this sudden change, they held me closer to the wall and pushed their body against mine. Oh sweet Jesus,  how I wanted to explode all over the place.

'It is okay, I want it'

I breathed heavily as I was about to open my mouth to moan my lovers name as I opened my mouth and closed my eyes, not controlling my breathing nor body.

'Oh Jesus,  oh Lord.... Mmm...Saaaaa...'

The door flew wide open and my lover stepped away  rapidly from me, glazing at my mother's horrified eyes.

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