You are not my type Honey!

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"Hey bro where the hell have you been?" Lip asked me while i stood in front of him with Destiny in tow. He wasn't a shy person that was for sure, I saw him look Destiny up and down as if she were a piece of meat. Which in all reality it didn't bother me. I mean I honestly didnt know her well enough to be jealous nor was she my property to start drama with. It was just the fact that Lip thought he could get any girl he wanted (which isn't a lie considering) it just irritated me that he just had to do it in front of me knowing she was obviously hanging out with me and he had to somehow have control over it. "What?" Destiny said snapping her fingers at Lip. "Take a photo honey! It will last longer" she said taking a piece of gum out of her backpack and folding it into her mouth. "You want?" She asked hanging me a piece. "No thanks" I said heading into the hallways with five minutes in between classes to begin. "Yo Ian we need to talk!" Lip shouted following behind Destiny and I as I dropped her off at her first class. I turned around aggravated and replied "And we will at Lunch aight?" He said moving away from Destiny's class door and waving goodbye to her. When Lip realized it was the same class he was in first period and took a seat next to her.

Lip & Destiny Conversation in Class:

"So you and Ian huh? Yall fool around yet?" Lip abruptly asked me as I filed my nails in class. "No?" I said showing my Dominican accent more everytime I caught an attitude. "Are yall dating?" He asked being one of the most annoying people I had met yet. But I tried to be nice since he was Reds brother. "No? Why the hell you care for anyway? We just friends right now gaaaawddddduu, get up off me your smothering instead of brothering" I said getting even more annoyed the more he spoke when some hood ratted blonde girl scooted her desk closer to his. "Look white boy Ian and I are Friends? Okay? I'm sorry honey your just not my type okay? Not even for a booty call. Alright? Do you understand?" I said blankly staring in his direction.
"Duly noted I wasn't trying to get with you in the sac for crying out loud I was worried about my brother but okay." He said obviously he was trying to get at me, but I did believe him when he said he was worried about his brother he sounded sincere and honestly concerned. "Look Ian's fine best I can tell I just met him so I know I don't know him, know him but I got you." I said when he gave me a nod and continued with his class assignment.

By the time lunch came around I thought I could eat a horse. I was starving, damn!!! I knew I forgot something when I saw a brown paper bag drop in front of me. "Here" Lip said taking a seat in front of me. While Karen tagged along beside him as always. "Thanks...." I said opening it up to a peanut butter jelly sandwich a pudding cup, a coke and a little something my brother slipped in. "I take it the joints were you?" I said smirking looking at Lip. "Yup. Wanna blaze up before next class?" Lip asked taking a huge bite out of his sandwich and a drink of his water. "Hell yeah!!" I replied I was starving but started to wonder where Destiny was.. "Hey you guys seen Destiny?" I asked Lip shook his head no and Karen just shrugged her shoulders before speaking rudely. "Fuck if I know, probably giving some dude head in the bathroom" she said arrogantly.
"No I'm sorry Karen that sounds like something you've done who was your baby daddy last year? Did you ever figure it out? Didn't think so!" I shouted getting up in her face. "Whoa dude calm down" Lip said stepping in between the two of us. "I'm cool, I'm cool" I said calming myself down and getting back to my lunch when I felt two hands cover my eyes. "Guess who?" The mysterious person said smelling like sweet honey again. Of course it was Destiny, but I played along. "Mmm Hilary Duff?" I said jokingly when Destiny started laughing giving her own self away. "RED YOU WISH" she said taking a seat next to me stealing my chocolate pudding cup. "Hey girl!" I said in a sassy, attitude "Ever heard of Please?" I said joking with her when she went to hand it back. "I was kidding Gosh Destiny!" I said playfully while I finished my soda. I'll Karen kept giving Me and Destiny dirty looks but in all reality thats the only look her face could create so I ignored her. "Aight who's ready to blaze?" Lip asked rubbing his hands together and stealing the joints he gave me tucking them behind his ears.

We went into the old abandoned side of the school where they used to teach home economics and lit up both joints. We passed them around and Karen pretended like she was in on our conversation even tho the three of us ignored her for the most part and actually had a pretty fun time. Lip and I wasn't fighting. He wasn't hitting on Destiny we were actually just hanging out like old times. The only thing that could make it better would be if Mandy were here too. The tardy bell rang for last period and we all were late so we just skipped the last class of the day and dipped out of the campus before someone would see us.

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