Party invitation

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Aidan's P.O.V

It was now Friday . And I hopped out of bed to get ready .

I got a text from Adam .

" hey there is a party tonight, would you like to go with me ?"

"Yeah sure what time should I be ready by ?"

"I'll pick you up at 9"

I smiled to myself I have never been to party before .

I put on black Adidas joggers . With a black OVO sweatshirt and some Adidas tubulars. I brushed my hair and left it down .

I pulled into the parking lot , and I heard someone pull next to me i see Charlie and Adam .

I get out and Charlie walks over to me . We bro huh and I giggle as we fist bump . Adam gets out and then he pulls me in for a tight hug .

" alright ladies let's go ." I say and laugh .

"Yeha come on Adam " Charlie says .

I high five Charlie and Adam rolls his yes and walks up next to me .

"I don't want to walk " I whined knowing I still have school . Adams stops in front of me . I hop on his back .

Charlie pulls out his phone Adam stops we both smile . Charlie yells "couple goals ." We all laugh .

" we are not a couple I say ." As Adam keeps walking till  we get to the school building .

Adam let's me off his back we walk into school .

Skip to lunch

I sit down by Adam and Charlie . I brought a sub sandwich and a water .

I twist open my water and take a big drink .

"Are you coming to the party tonight ?" Charlie asked turning his head over to me .

"Yeah , I think I might as well I have never been to a party ." I sigh

"WHAT !!! you have never been to a party .!!??" Adam spits out his food .

I shake me head no .

Adam and Charlie high five each other and say " this going to be a fun night ." I chuckle and shake me head .

Skip to end of school

I was walking to my car and I hopped in . I waited for Adam and Charlie

We have all become really good friends .

I hear a knock in the window I look up to see Adam.

I get out and Charlie walks up to me fist bumping me and leaning on my car beside me .

"What the plan for the night boys?" I ask looking at Adam .

" Charlie and I are going to get ready then we will come over to your house and we will wait till you are done and then we will head out ." Adam explained

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