I am bitchy because it's Monday morning.

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Well Hello, all fellow readers! 

Finally gathered guts and decided to put my thoughts into words. I had wanted to write a book for a really long time but as you all know, writing a book takes a lot of time and dedication, both of which I don't have.

Nonetheless, I decided to just go for it. Please pardon my grammar, I know it's cringe. 

And well I chose teen-fiction as the genre because that's what people like the most to read on wattpad. 

I hope you all enjoy it! Comments and suggestions are welcome!!

Thank you so much and happy reading!! :D


Ugh, another day at school. You know, the school has never been a delight for me. 'Oh, my god! High school was the best period of my life!!!'


School sucks. You have to wake up early, you have to deal with a lot of people, and if you are obese like me, you will face problems in finding/stitching the extra large sized uniform for school. And oh, don't even get me started with all the bullies that run behind you like girls would run behind a naked Ian Somerhalder. Its like they love me. Oh no, wait. That love would be pretty messed up. Scratch that. They love torturing me. Yeap.

Once, the announcement bell in our school rang and my name was called from the speakers. It wasn't the director's voice. In fact, we could hear some giggles and shushing sounds from the speaker. Whoever the speaker was, he had well-gained everyone's attention. The announcement that followed was "Richard Watson, the canteen is out of chicken breasts for their pies. Can we borrow yours? Since you seem to have ample of them- you fat fuck chicken!" and then all I could hear is roaring laughter of everyone around me. People came and slapped my back and made fun of me throughout the class. The teacher tried to shut everyone but she couldn't resist laughing either. For an entire week then, my locker flooded of chicken breasts. Memes making fun of me were all over Facebook and people started calling me breasty. Sigh.

And oh, this was the easiest they've gone on me. I shall probably narrate the other incidents later.

Oh damn! How dumb am I? I absolutely forgot to introduce myself to yall. My name is Richard Watson. Yes if you are wondering, Watson and co. is my family's brand. My dad is the CEO of WAC and my mother is the creative director. And yes I know the headphones and the speakers are the best all over the world. I've been hearing that since I was in my mother's womb. So yeah.

Anyway, I am a freshman at Martins Grand Academy- the one school where you'll find almost all the bigshot kids studying. This school only accepts high profile kids (super discriminating, I know) and has been the ideal dream school for every resident of the country. I, happen to be a part of this so-called dreamy school and trust me it hasn't been any good for me. But oh well, I study hard and score well so that's all that matters.

My parents have their entire business setup in London so that's where they live most of the time. As for me, I stay in the USA in my bungalow with my caretaker Anita. Scratch caretaker, she's like a second mom to me. She has been around before the sperm was united to the egg in my mother's uterus that formed my fetus. Anita has always been my pillar of support. She is the best person for anyone to rely on, blindly. I absolutely love that lady and couldn't ask for a better guardian.

Uhm I guess is shall talk a little about myself. Well, I'm 5"10' tall, weight- 278 pounds, lots of pimples all over the face, nerdy glasses (not super fat, the number is pretty low but according to my face and my choice, the nerdy ones suit the best), braces and well you've guessed it right- baggy clothing, and sneakers. I know, I know, this is too cliched an,d typical but hey! You can't blame me. If you follow the stereotypes, you're a part of the wagon and that helps you stay low-key WHICH I NEED! A guy like me should never get in the limelight for, my own safety.

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