02. The Underworld♡

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Maria woke up to the sound of howling wolfs, rushing water and wind that seemed to sing a spooky song. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw death in front of her. "Ah!" She screamed feeling panic take over as she scooted backwards. "No no no don't back u-" but it was too late. She fell in the river.

Death ran over to the side and looked at the water. For the first time Death felt fear. Soon a dirty blonde head came bobbing out the water. She was gasping for air and doggy paddling. "You can't swim?!" Death asked feeling very panicked. "No, I just chose not to!" The girl replied sarcastically even though she's in a life/death situation. Death rolled his eyes as the girl continued to float down the river. He ran down trying to keep up with her as she tried to keep her head above the water. "Girl! Up ahead!" Death shouted. "Did you seriously call me girl?! My names Maria!" "Not the time look!" Maria looked only to see she was heading straight for a waterfall. "Grab my hand!" Death shouted reaching his hand out. Death felt the girls wet fingertip brush against his palm before the currents pulled her away and down the waterfall.

"Hold on!" Death shouted as he jumped in after the girl. He opened his eyes as soon as he felt the cold water against his skin. He saw the girl unconscious and wrapped an arm around her waist while pulling her up. He dragged her up on the dead grass. He reached to feel for a pulse when she shot up and gasped for air. She looked around and saw they were in a forest but everything looked dead. It also seemed like it was night time but there was no moon or stars. She was also surrounded by a thick fog. Everything around her looked un-welcoming. She let out an involuntary sob and Death's dead heart broke.

He went to go pat her head, not knowing what to do for such emotions but she immediately wrapped her arms around him and burried her head in his chest. He began to warm up to her touch and wrapped his arms around her and let her cry.

After awhile she pulled away and sniffed. "Sorry" she said timidly. He looked at her confused. "What do you have to be sorry for?" She wiped her eyes and said "making you take me here, jumping in a river, almost dying and having you come to my rescue." "Woah woah woah. I should've known better than to take a mortal to the underworld. Especially a dying one." It was her turn to look confused "Wait what? I'm not dying" "uh about that... you see I didn't know what would happen but uh it seems as though you're dying in the middle of the woods." Panic filled her and she looked a death with horror. He sighed and went to hug her but she just pushed him away. "T-this is your fault!" She yelled before running away.

Soon relief filled Maria as she saw her house. Everything was still dark but she didn't mind. She ran up and opened the door. She relaxed as soon as she saw April. "A-april" she said tears streaming down her face. April turned around and her eyes widened. "Guys! The door opened by itself!" She said going to close the door. Maria's confused face turned into horror as April walked through her and closed the door. Yes through her! She turned and ran to her mom's room. "Mom!" She yelled. "Mom are you ok?" She said looking worriedly at her mothers state. Her red eyes showed that she has been crying and the bags under them are obviously from a lack of sleep. Her voice shaked with worry. Her hands were trembling as she held her phone to her ear. "Y-yeah she's been missing for three days. We found her phone on the couch. No note, nothing. Yes we called her friends and boyfriend but they all said they haven't seen her." "Mom who is it?" "Yes she goes by the name Maria Alexander Hillard." Maria stumbled back "I've been missing for three days?" tears streamed down her face

It took an hour but Maria finally stopped crying. She sat down in front of Violet and April who were drawing. "And there's me and Mar jumping on the trampoline!" Violet said showing April her drawing. "I miss Mar." April said with tears clouding her eyes. Then she heard someone familiar but no one else seemed to hear it. "Maria I know you're in here." Death said walking down the hall. Maria gasped and hid under the bed, covering her body with a giant teddy bear. She saw his cloak go into the room and clenched her fist. He took her from a family one time and she wasn't going to let him do it again. He sighed and walked out. "I guess you don't want to try and fix this." He said walking out. She narrowed her eyebrows. She definitely didn't want to die. She looked at her sisters and blew them a kiss. "I'll come back soon my princesses" she said and ran out. "Death! Death!" She called he turned around and began walking to her. Then things started twisting and turning and her vision became blury. "Death? Death what's happening?!" "Maria?" Was the last thing she heard before falling to the ground and letting darkness consume her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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