Chapter 2

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Khloe Santiago’s POV

        The next morning I woke up to the annoying sun shining in my face. I turned over in an attempt to get it out of my face, but I hit something warm. Oh no. I instantly froze, not wanting to wake up the person next to me. Normal people would’ve probably panicked, but my main goal was to get the hell out of here.

        On the other side of the room I spotted my clothes in a trail leading from the door. I didn’t have to look under the blanket to know I was naked.

         Once I was safely out of the bed I tipped toed around the room picking up my clothes. My clothes were almost on when I heard him yawn. I stopped moving and tried not to make any noises. On the outside I may have looked calm, but I was freaking out on the inside.

        My hopes of him turning over, and going back to sleep were crushed when he sat up. He rubbed his eyes, and looked at me with questioning eyes.

 “Amber? When did you get here babe?”

         Amber? Who the hell is Amber? I’m not proud about my current situation, but man is this a blow to my ego. I think I have the right to be upset! I mean what girl wouldn’t be upset about having a guy call her another girl’s name? Especially after they obviously had sex the night before.

        I snapped out of my train of thoughts when I heard him moving around on the bed. Shit. He’s about to get up. Before he could get within arm’s length of me, I turned around.

         Sean stopped walking and looked at me with horror on his face. Oh god. This isn’t going to go the way I wanted it too.

 “Hi Sean.”

 Sean Mason’s POV

         God my head is pounding and this sun isn’t helping. I stayed in the same position, hoping that it would help reduce the pain I was feeling.  When I finally had the energy to move and get out bed, I saw someone putting on their clothes. It was a girl, and she froze when she heard me moving.

         When did Amber get here? Man last night must have been a hell of a night. I can’t even remember smashing my girlfriend.  Never again. Eric is so dead for letting me get that drunk.

 “Amber? When did you get here babe?”

         She didn’t turn around, so I assumed she didn’t hear me. I got out of bed to approach her, but she turned around. I stopped short and just stared at her.

 “Hi Sean.”

        She knows my name? Who is this girl? Where is Amber? Amber? Oh my god! My girlfriend is going to kill me if she finds out.

 “Who are you?”

        The girl in front of me looked shocked at first, but it quickly turned to anger.

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