Kumajiro's Slave

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*Canada and America were sitting in Canada's room*
*Kumajiro walks in*
*Canada holds Kuma up to America's face*
Kumajiro: Roar! *scary face*
America: No...! I'm sorry for whatever I did, master! DX
Canada: Pfffft
Kuma: RAWR
America: DX * hides face in pillow*
*Canada fall off bed laughing*
France and England: where did we go wrong....? o.o
Canada: I... Can't ... Breathe...!*dies and becomes a spirit still laughing* XD
*Kumajiro sits on America's head* I am King! >:D
Kuma now rules the world with his army of hamburgers.

... Later That Day...

Shadow(Admin): Well that was eventful...
Canada: *nods*
Shadow: I thought you were dead .-.
Canada: I was brought back to life with the power of pasta.
Shadow: Oh-
Italy: *bursts though the wall* DID SOMEONE SAY PASTA?!
Canada: SHIT- *hides behind Shadow* TAKE HER NOT ME.
Shadow: o-o" *pokerface*


Shadow: *sighs* this is my first story on here hehe... I'll make more in he future probably. ^^

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