Chapter 1

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The paladins are all chilling out in the living area.
"Hey dinners ready!" Hunk yelled out. "Aw hell yea! Food!" Lance yelled as he jumped up and ran behind keith, slapping him across the head. Keith flinched a little "lance!" Keith yelled annoyingly as he got up a ran after him. "Shirooo get him get him!!!" Lance yelled as ran from keith. Shiro laughed as he grabbed keiths arm as keith ran by. "Alright keith alright thats enough." Shiro said as he kept his grip on keiths arm. "But he hit me!" Keith yelled as he tried to run. "Keith....please" shiro said calmly as he stared into keiths eyes. Keith blushed as he stared into shiros eyes. Keith notcied that he was blushing, so he turned away and snatched his arm away from shiros grasp. "Fine..." keith said as he sat down at the kitchen table and started eating.

"Mmm hunk this is actually pretty good." Pidge said as she took another bite. "Thank you, thank you." Hunk said as he bowed to the praise. Everyone laughed at hunk. Shiro smiled and looked over at a smiling snd laughing keith. "Oh how i wish you were mine.." Shiro thought.

The laugh settled down and everyone finished eating and was just talking to each other at the table. They were enjoying themselves until the sirens started going off.

Paladins to your lions now! We have some galran foot soldiers outside of the castle! Corran yelled. Everyone rushed to their lions and got out to space. Everyone was ready for a fight but nothing was there.

"Guys i don't see anything and im not getting any heat signals." Pidge said as she checked everything again.

"Whats that?" Keith asked himself. Pidge still couldn't get anything.
"Y'all im getting a bad feeling about this, we should head back to the castle and figure out whats going on." Hunk said as he started to get a little scared. "Hunks right, lets head back to the castle to regroup and figure this out." Shiro said. "Hey guys hold on a minute, im coming out of red." Keith reported as he got up from his seat and walked out of reds mouth. "Keith get back in your lion." Shiro said

Pidge still didn't get it because she updated the castles sensors, they should be better than ever. She tapped a reset button and waited for the electrical system reboot in her lion.

Keith got closer to the floating object and started to examine it. Pidge finished and immediately got a singal, heading towards keith. "Keith get out of there now!" Pidge yelled. Keith looked up at the wrong time and he was ambushed by a foot soldier in his little pod. Keith was hit by a laser on the shoulder, cutting and burning him down to the bone. "Keith!" Shiro yelled as he rushed over to him. Red already got keith in her mouth and flew him back to the castle. "Shiro go with keith, we can handle them." Lance said as he shot one of the pods down. Red and black landed back in the castle. Shiro rushed out and over to red as she opened her mouth. Keith stumbled out while holding his arm, trying to stop the bleeding. Keith looked up to see shiro. "Shiro..." keith said weakly as he blacked out and fell foward. Shiro ran faster and caught keith just in time.

Shiro picked up keith and ran him inside to corran and allura. "Holy quiznack what happened?! Corran yelled as he followed shiro to the medical area. "He was ambushed by a flight pod." Shiro said as entered the medical room and layed him on the hospital bed. Corran hooked up IVs to keith and took his armour off to get a good look at the wound. "Oh dear...this is a big one." Corran said as he started to clean around the gash, making keith flinch a little while he was out. Shiro held onto keiths hand tightly "c'mon keith hang in there. Your going to be ok." Shiro thought as he squeezed his hand. Corran grabbed some stitching products and stiched up keiths gash. "Whew, alright the blood has stopped and he's sewn up and he has started healing." Corran said as he finished wrapping keiths arm in bandage.

Everyone finished off the flight pods and ran back in the castle, to the medical room. Corran came face to face with them. "Paladins, keith is okay and he needs rest so leave him be." Corran said as he held up his bloody hands in a stopping motion.

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