Chapter 6

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Keith cried himself to sleep. He soon woke up due to the foot soldiers being as loud as they could. He took a deep breath and felt light. He looked at his hands to see regular human skin. He smiled and touched the top of his head to find no ears. He went back to normal.

Shiro shot at the ship, taking down its canons with one blow. Lotor rushed to the control room and saw that Shiro was attacking the ship. "Should we send flight pods out to fight?" One of the soldiers asked. Lotor smiled. "No, go get Keith and give him to Shiro. I have bigger plans for the both of them" Lotor hummed. The soldiers did as Lotor said and grabbed Keith from his cell and forced him into a flight pod and send it to black. Black alerted Shiro to let him know Keith was in there. Shiro made black grabbed the flight pod in her mouth and he flew back to the castle. Black dropped the flight pod out of her mouth. Keith opened the door and ran to Shiro in tears. Shiro ran to Keith and hugged him tight. "I'm so sorry baby, I promise I won't ever leave you alone I promise" Shiro said as he held Keith close. Keith cried into shiros shoulder, happy to be home but scared of it happening again.

Everyone ran out to the docks to greet Keith. They all group hugged around him even lance did. Keith stayed close to Shiro as he smiled and sighed in relief.

A few hours later it was time to go to sleep. Shiro was sitting on the king sized bed and yawned. Keith walked out of the bathroom and laid down. "I love you" Keith said. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. Shiro smiled softly and laid down. He pulled a blanket over the two of them and held Keith close. As soon as shiros head hit the soft pillow he went right to sleep. Keith soon followed, cuddled in shiros arms and was happy and content.

"What the hell..?" Keith thought as he felt restricted at his wrists and ankles. "Good morning my omega.." Lotor purred as he crawled on top of Keith and started kissing his neck. "! Help! God help me please!!" Keith cried out in fear. "Shut up slut!" Lotor yelled in anger as he punched Keith hard. Keith whimpered as he started crying, wishing he was dead. Lotor suddenly rammed his member into Keith harshly, making Keith scream out in agony and terror. Tears were streaming from Keith's eyes. "Get out! It hurts! It hurts so much!" Keith screamed to Lotor. "Shut the fuck up you stupid whore! Your my little fucktoy and I'm going to get you pregnant so be a good little tramp" lotor said as he thrusted hard into Keith, his hole was bleeding and he felt like he was dying...

keith gasped for air as he started crying and screaming, waking Shiro up. Shiro leaned up quickly and held Keith close. "It's okay's okay I got you. He can't get you anymore. I won't ever let that happen again" Shiro said soothingly as he rocked back and forth with Keith in his arms softly. Keith cried into shiros chest as he shook violently out of fear. "Deep breaths keith..calm down okay. We're in the ship." He said softly Keith took deep breaths as Shiro instructed and soon calmed down. He just cried himself back to sleep. Shiro sighed softly and laid down beside Keith, holding him close. He also drifted back to sleep.

Keith woke up and felt hot and needy. He had this scent that only omegas let out when they're in season. "S-Shiro.." Keith panted to his alpha as he nudged him a little. Shiro groaned a little and woke up and instantly smelled Keith's sweet, honey scent. "Hey baby..*yawn* what's wrong?" Shiro asked as he leaned up. Keith straddled shiros lap and kissed him deeply. He started lazily grinding against Shiro, physically asking for relief. Shiro was a little confused but kissed Keith back just as deep. He leaned up and had his back against the bed frame. "Fuck me alpha.." Keith whined desperately. He didn't wait for shiros answer. He basically ripped off shiros boxers and pants, his hard member sprung up. "Mm~ already hard..just the way I like it" Keith purred. "T-that's because I had a dream of you.." Shiro stuttered out. Keith smirked and the slick seeping from Keith's hole acted as lube. He slowly lowered himself on shiros member, moaning from the stretch and the feeling of being filled. Shiro moaned lightly at how tight and warm Keith was.

Keith was bouncing up and down fast, moaning every time he went down. Shiro had his head leaned against the bed frame with a dark red blush across his cheeks. He was getting close to his climax and so was Keith. "Knot me alpha...please" Keith begged as he clenched tightly around shiros member. Shiro went stupid and agreed not knowing the consequences of knotting an omega in heat. He grabbed Keiths hips and thrusted up into him roughly, soon released and knitted Keith. Keith moaned out of a little pain but a lot of pleasure. He was completely seated on shiros lap, letting his knot settle before he got off. Shiro panted from his strong orgasm. Keith got off of Shiro Than started grabbing his stuff and started to make a nest. Shiro yawned. "What're you doing baby?" He asked softly. "Nesting.." he said as he made a nest filled with shiros clothing and his Own and a bunch of blankets and soft pillows. He finally liked the way his nest was and crawled in and sighed of content. "Alpha join me.." he purred. Shiro scooted to the nest and got in beside Keith. Keith cuddled close to shiros side and closed his eyes.

(Sorry I know it's short but I'm working on the next chapter right now so I just wanted to go ahead and get this one out)

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