Ich Liebe Dich (2%)

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Veronica stared herself down in the mirror,  her brown eyes bore into their reflections so hard she could feel them begin to water. Her skin was clean - she'd washed her face three times already that morning but it still felt sticky and uncomfortable because of the heat.

Autumn was approaching but the sun didn't seem to plan on leaving any time soon and neither did the humidity. Veronica had had that dream an abundance of times in the last four or so years now, - where she held Jason at gun point, she was never sure how it ended though - always blacking out right before the gun shot. It was quickly becoming a regular and repetitive dream, this would be the third time she'd relieved it in two weeks.

No part of Ronnie wanted to harm her loving husband but for some reason her brain and her subconscious claimed otherwise. That was the terrible thing, too - because when you're subconscious thought differently than your present conscious you usually fell prey to the other thoughts and push of your subconscious mind.

Although veronica had good impulse control she was also a good visualizer - these types of people made good subjects for hypnosis and negative concepts.

She came out of her thoughts as she heard the front door open and close,
after turning off the sink and drying off her hands she quickly made her way back into the kitchen and greeted Jason who was already sitting at the table, his eyes glazed over from sleep.

"Morning" she spoke gently and set down a coffee and plate of toast in front of him.

"guten morgen" he replied and chuckled

She still didn't know German that well but she appreciated when JD spoke it briefly, it was an odd language but he was an odd man.

Not too much had changed since that last horrible night with the devil. Simply; Jason and Veronica were in love, so the dreams Ronnie had been experiencing were quite odd and out of the blue - it wasn't the first time they'd had bad dreams but to have one so constant and vivid was another story.

She sat down across from him and sipped her own coffee, she didn't dare bring up the nightmare with him, no need to cause a commotion, JD would definitely have overreacted over such a small ordeal so it was best to ignore it.

She glanced over at some files lying on the counter, she had become a lawyer - who was still studying and was working to become an attorney eventually as well. Her current case of work focused on a divorce and the loss of a young child. She paused, not wanting to focus on it and looked to Jason, randomly she spoke up and said the only thing she knew well in German; "Ich liebe dich" she felt an over powering sense of love and affection.

Quite possibly out of fear or because she felt she hadn't said it in awhile, either way they didn't exchange those words often and she did fear losing him most days.

He glanced up from the paper and flashed her a grin, he wouldn't ever bring it up but he was afraid of her. She was a strong woman, she'd always been and just like Veronica; he had be reliving that same dream over and over and over again as of late, he'd even hidden a knife in the bed side drawer  just incase...

The tension was apparent, they both knew something was wrong, but oh how they hated to acknowledge such obscenities when everything was quite literally perfect in their lives. So they sat there and sipped from their mugs of coffee in silence.

{ A/N: This is a bit boring but hopefully it provides some insights on their home lives and who they've become, feel free to help comment with a plot device or AU's / head canon's you'd like to see - i provide credit if i use the idea }

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