Olivarry happens

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"Will you go out on a date with me" Oliver asked.
"Is this a joke or something along the lines of that" Barry said with caution.
"No, I've been meaning to ask you for a long time, but I never got the chance to. Now I can and I am hoping you will say yes". Oliver said.

Barry thought about it for a quick second. Opening his eyes even more than they were before just staring at Oliver. Barry started noticing all the features on him. His muscles, his eyes, his hair, his clothes that he could look good in, and just him in general.
Barry thought about just for a second and had a answer.
"If that's the case than my answer is, Yes" Barry said with excitement.
Oliver was happy and he was just about to ask Barry some thing when he heard gunfire outside. Men came busting into jitters wearing masks with hoods.

Oliver recognized the masks from Deathstroke, but they agreed not to mess with each other Oliver wondered. They quickly shot at Barry with a arrow hitting him in the shoulder . Barry tried to run but couldn't even move. Oliver went for one of the smaller thugs, but one of them hit him for behind on the head. Oliver then fell to the floor face first.
When Oliver woke up Barry was gone and he woke up to Cisco shaking him.
"Oliver where is Barry" Cisco quickly asked in such panic.
"I don't know, and im freaking out where he might be" Oliver said with fright. "I do know who might have taken him though". Oliver said with such agresion twoards who took Barry.
Oliver and team Flash had got back to S.T.A.R. labs where they were looking at the security footage of the people who took Barry. They all stated talking after they saw Oliver get hit by the guy.
"How can you take a hit like that" Caitlyn asked with confusion.
" I lived on an island for 5 years, I think I know how to take a hit" Oliver answered with sarcasum.
"Barry was hit by what looks like a speed dapener in syrum form" Caitlyn said.
Oliver told Cisco to follow where they took Barry. The people went out side of Central City to an abandoned house. Oliver told Cisco and Caitlyn to suit up and head out there.
Barry's P.O.V
"Where- where am I" Barry said with confusion and pain in his shoulder. He tried to move his arms but they were tied behind the chair he was in. Barry slowly opened his eyes and looked around the room he was in. Barry saw someone emerging from the dark coming closer,and closer.
"Where is he" the man from the dark asked in a deep voice.
"Where's who, where am I, who are you" Barry said with so many questions as he was still waking up.
"I am The son of Deathstroke. I took the mantal of the clan". Joe said with such pride. "You will tell me where Oliver is or, actually he is gonna come to you isn't he?, Flash."
"Why didn't you take him when we were both at Jitters." Barry asked with a little anger.
"Because when I catch Oliver, he is gonna watch you die before I kill him slowly as I will you. After all you wanted to be with him didn't you. You see this all could have been avoided if Oliver didn't kill my best friend." Joe than started to get agressive twords Barry.
"What are you talking about" Barry said.
" When Oliver shot that last arrow, before he got shot, it impaled my best friends heart killing him instantly in the process. Oliver will die for what he did".

Oliver's P.O.V.
Oliver,Cisco, and Caitlyn all went to the abondoned house where Barry was being held hostage,until they heard a scream of Barry inside.
"Barry were coming" Oliver yelled from outside.

Joe had yelled from inside saying " Barry will die if you don't give up your self, Oliver. "You guys stay here" Oliver said to Caitlyn and Cisco quietly.
Oliver approached the house only to see Deathstrokes son holding a knife to Barry's throat, with his goons by his side.
"Please don't do this, we can have a negotiation" Oliver said with questioning.
Oliver tried stepping forward, but as soon as he did Joe put the knife in Barry's leg and twisted it. Oliver backed up a step until he heard a yell from the back saying " Oliver move" Cisco yelled with concern. Cisco came running in casting a breach twords all of the goons and Joe. Barry nocked himself over so he didn't get breached away.
"All of them were banished to Earth -X where they belonged" Cisco said.
"Barry let's go home" Oliver said.

Two Weeks Later

When Barry was fully healed him and Oliver were by each other in S.T.A.R. labs at the cortex. When Oliver popped the question of " Where shall our date be at".

Hey guys out there. Sorry this took so long. Sorry the chapter is short i really have been busy. But I'm really done with this one. Hope your ready for the next chapter.

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