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When life gets harder,
Change yourself to become stronger.
It has ups and downs.
But soon it'll turn back around.
You think it's unfair.
You think it's not right.
You even think it's not worth it, sometimes.
But sometime you got to believe,
That there's a purpose for you to receive it.
There's fun times.
There's sad times.
But no matter how,
You got to live it right.
It past too fast.
But it's also too slow.
Don't forget there's always enough time for you.
It depends on the path you take every day.
Either way, it's the path you choose.
There's no right or wrong but only for the people around you.
You gotta think hard.
You gotta think right.
The future lies ahead,
For you to travel by.
Sure, it gets harder each step.
It really depends on the people you meet and the decisions you take.
When life gets harder. . .
Count on yourself to make yourself stronger.

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