Makeup for Round 2!

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A/N: hi! This is a makeup entry for Round 2 of the fanfic Bootcamp! This story will be inspired by my love for Brooklyn Nine Nine!

We got the call at 11:38, a woman and a man were held up at a grocery store. The woman was said to have a bomb strapped to her chest and the man had an automatic weapon. There was over a dozen hostages inside. Every able detective and uniformed officer in the 99 and surrounding precincts were ordered to go down to the location. After Holt's announcement a swarm of officers wearing bullet proof vests left the building and got into cars with flashing blue and red lights. I started driving with my girl friend Amy in the passenger seat. It was silent the whole way there except for the live updates on the police radio. Usually I would have something witty to say but the air felt different today, full of tension and worry. When ever I thought Amy wasn't looking I snuck glances at her thinking about how lucky I am.
As soon as I got out of the car, orders were being barked out by the officer in charge. They wanted one officer from each precinct to join the team who would bust in once the situation was diffused. Names were being called out, then I heard it. Jake Peralta. I looked at my coworkers and gave some nods as I left my position to join the other officers who were getting more protective gear on. Everyone around us held their positions as they waited for further instructions. I caught Amy's gaze and we both slightly smiled. Though the words weren't said out loud we both knew. I love you. The man in charge of our team gave us a signal to move in. The only sounds I could hear were our shuffling feet and my own heart beat. We had two members of the Bomb squad to deal with the bomb and four officers including me to take care of the hostages and arrest the man. We ran to the back of the store and the door was quickly kicked in. We made our way to the storage room the hostages were being held in. Another officer and I worked to get the man down. He was guarding the door, gun in hand. I tackled him while the other officer removed his weapons. My partner arested the perp while I went to help with the hostages. Suddenly gun shots went off from inside the building. My weapon was drawn and I walked down the hallway with caution. The bomb squad officers each had a bullet wound in their leg. The woman stood above them with a gun in her hand. Before I took a shot, I tried to reason with her but she pulled the trigger. A light from above us shattered sending glass falling down. There were footsteps behind me as the rest of the officers took the wounded out. The woman removed her jacket revealing the bomb which had less time than we thought.

I ran for the door.

Word count: 500

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