Kaitlin's One Shot

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A Question

This one's for my friend Kaitlin. I hope you like it babe!(;


It is cold in Kaitlin’s room as the alarm goes off. It is the song that wakes her up every morning. The song Sofa by Ed Sheeran whisks itself through the air and into her still sleeping ears. The song was somewhat soft for a wake up song but Kaitlin doesn’t mind. She is a morning person. She is an everything person.

A smile spreads across her face in recognition before she even opens her eyes. She rolls over and turns off the alarm clock. It’s hard to leave the warmth of her bed with a chill in the air but somehow she manages. Next week was prom week, and she was on the decorating committee. She stretches and turns to the closet. What should I wear today? She thinks to herself, observing the various clothes.

Today is the day that they announce the royal court. It was undeniable that Liam was going to win King, because well, he was the sweetest person in the entire school, and not to mention he was the track star.

Finally deciding, she slips on a white tank top embellished with gold feathers and a black skirt. She looks in the mirror and decides it’s good enough for the day.


As she pulls into the parking lot of the local high school Kaitlin realizes her friends are already there. She sees Louis’ blue van and Kelly’s green bug. She looks further and realizes Nialler and Kelly are already walking into the school. She parks and gets her backpack from the back seat. Her curls bounce as she skips up behind the couple.

Kelly hears her footsteps before she arrives. “Hey Kaitlin!”

Niall nods in her direction. “Gooodmorning.” She sings in response.

They walk into the school together and in no time are sitting at the usual morning table in the cafeteria with their usual friends. Zayn pouts. “What’s wrong love?” Kaitlin asks with a frown.

“Hazza’s sick today.”

“Um, are you sure?” Harry asks behind him. Zayn’s face instantly lights up, and so does Niall’s when he realizes he’s brought with him donuts.

“So you guys are going to prom right?” Kaitlin asks generally, taking small bites of her donut.

Kelly looks quizzically at Niall and he rolls his eyes, “Yeah.” The one word is followed by a hug bear hug. He just smiles through a mouthful of donut.

Kaitlin feels like puking rainbows at how adorable the couple is.

“Yeah, I asked Cara, I’ve always thought she was pretty.” Harry smiles across the cafeteria to where a blonde girl was sitting with her friends.

“I’m going stag.” Zayn laughs. He wasn’t interested in anyone at the moment.

“I’m kind of obligated.” Liam sighs, but they all know he wants to go.

“I’m not sure if I’m going or not yet.” Lou, who is usually the most upbeat seems quiet this morning.

“Aw, well we’ll miss you if you don’t.” Kaitlin frowns, “besides, if you’re worried about not having a date I don’t have one yet either.” She tries to cheer her friend up but Harry just gives him a weird look.

“Did I miss something?”

Harry jumps all over that question so fast she barely has time to ask it. “NO.” he clears his throat, “No, not at all.”

She looks at him confused for a second but decides to brush it off, “Okay, whatever weirdo.”

Everyone laughs a little uncomfortable. She can almost see the awkward in the air. Why were they being so weird about it anyway?

The first class was English, which she had with Kelly so the two walked to the class together. The seats were unassigned so they sat together every class. “What’s up with Louis?” She asks.

Kelly twirls her thumbs and takes a moment to answer, “He, uh, he is just insecure I guess.”

“What?! Louis? Insecure? I don’t believe that one bit.” Kelly just shrugs. The devil woman of a teacher begins a speech on Romeo and Juliet and the school day begins.

The morning classes pass by surprisingly fast and before they know it, the group is sitting at the table again having lunch. Harry keeps giving Louis looks. Everyone just makes small talk for a while, the biggest conversation was between Niall and Liam about what type of hot sauce is the best.

“Hey, Zayn, will you go throw your trash out with me?” Harry gets up and both Zayn and Louis trail after him. Liam excuses himself to go to the bathroom. The awkwardness just seems to soar as Kaitlin is left with the couple. Kelly looks at her apologetically and takes Niall’s hand. “Come on, Niall, I forgot something in my locker.”

Niall looks up at Kelly with his big blue eyes and says, “B-b-but it’s chicken ball Friday!” She just gives him a look and manages to drag him away from the table.

Great, Kaitlin thinks, I look like such a loner. She stays put and picks at the cheerios from her lunch.

Before she knows it the whole cafeteria goes quiet. She looks around and none other than Louis Tomlinson makes his way down the stairs singing,

I've tried playing it cool

But when I'm looking at you

I can’t ever be brave

'Cause you make my heart race

Kaitlin realizes he’s singing to her. This adorable boy, wearing blue stripes and red trousers. Is singing to her. She barely notices Niall walking behind him strumming a guitar.

Shot me out of the sky

You're my kryptonite

You keep making me weak

Yeah, frozen and can't breathe

He continues to walk and sing and Liam swoops in and hands him flowers. They’re beautiful. Tears are coming to Kaitlin’s eyes. Her mouth pretty much hits the floor.

Something’s gotta give now

'Cause I’m dying just to make you see

That I need you here with me now

Louis gets to her and gets down on his knees, his eyes never leaving hers. He reaches for her hand and she gives it willingly. He smiles and finishes his serenade.

'Cause you've got that one thing

“Kaitlin, will you go to prom with me?” He hands her the bouquet and puts on his best puppy dog face.

She’s speechless. She literately cannot say anything.  “Aw say yes honey!” Someone yells from across the cafeteria.

She nods, her voice coming back, “Yes. Yes I will!” She hugs him. It’s the best feeling she’s ever experienced. Just being this close to him. The whole cafeteria cheers and applauds.

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