Batfic ~Bacony Goodness~

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Jonathan Crane tossed and turned under the question mark-print sheets, groaning.

He couldn't sleep. His isnomnia had definetly seen to that, even though he was more exhausted than he'd been in years. He felt like hs eyes were going to start bleeding.

He turned his head, looking at the alarm clock next to him.

Three fifteen AM.


Next to him, Edward Nigma mumbled something in his sleep and giggled, shifting slightly.

Must be dreaming Jon thought to himself.

Suddenly his green-clad companian snuffled in his sleep, like he was smelling something. He rolled over, kicking Jon repeatedly in the ribs.

The Master of Fear's left eye twitched. He turned over- facing Eddie- and was about to wake him when he started to lick his lips.

"Mmmmm..." the Riddler murmered dreamily.

Jon raised a brow just as his friend lunged forward and bit into his nose. Hard.


Jon howled in pain and suprise; rousing Eddie and causing him to scream as well. He let go of his nose, gagging and spitting.

"What," said a very disgruntled Scarecrow. "was that for?!"

The Prince of Puzzles blinked.


Jonathan waved a hand dismissively, rubbing his now pinkened and bleeding nose.

"Nevermind, let's...let's just forget this ever happened, ok?"


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 02, 2012 ⏰

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