Chapter 6

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The heart already knows what the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart.

-Jamal Hindi-

Fitz and Skye came back from the kitchenette, one carrying a plate of sandwiches and the other a bowl of popcorn. Ward glanced at them while Jemma's eyes fell on her partner as though seeing him for the first time.

She couldn't ignore the way her heart started beating faster or the soft, tender and warm feelings washing over her.

How hadn't she realised that her feelings for him had always been so...strong? It wasn't just friendship or partnership. It was that instant connection, that immediate feeling when they first met at the Academy during a class that let her know that Fitz was different from the others and so very like her.

From the moment they met, Jemma knew that something had changed.

And as she took in his appearance now, sandy brown curls in their usual disarray, blue eyes bright and intense as always and soft, crooked smile directed at her, she just knew.

She loved Fitz.

And judging by the look he gave her, the hint of emotion that she could detect in his eyes and smile, he felt something for her as well. Jemma couldn't stop the smile from making its way onto her face.

Fitz and Skye put the plate and bowl on the small table between the armchairs and were both about to sit down when Ward stood up.

"Well, I'm calling it in for the night," he said, emptying the last of his glass.

Skye stared at him.

Jemma noticed that the hacker's face showed disbelief and annoyance all together. That expression made her wonder if this whole Team talking evening wasn't so casual after all...

Ward glanced at Skye, face unreadable.

"I'm tired and we've got training early tomorrow morning, Rookie," he added at Skye's silent question. "FitzSimmons still have to eat so I think I wouldn't be too rude to leave."

"Yes but-" Skye tried to retort but Ward's look didn't change. He looked as stoic and unreadable as ever. "Oh, alright..."

Skye looked every little a bit a child denied a present as she turned to them but then she rearranged her features so quickly that Jemma wondered if she had imagined her expression.

"See you tomorrow, FitzSimmons," she said with a wave and walked to her bunk, following Ward.

Jemma stared at the hacker's retreating figure before turning to Fitz. He looked puzzled just as she was.

"Do you have the feeling-" he started, looking at her.

"-that we've been set up?" She finished, arching a brow. "Yes."

They stared at each other for moment and Jemma noticed how Fitz's eyes lingered on her face before blushing slightly and looking away.

She felt warmth flood her face as well.

She knew her feelings. She was sure that he knew them as well.

They just had Now that was complicated...

"So..." she said, clearing her voice slightly. "What were we planning to do before...?" She waved her hand vaguely at the stools where Skye and Ward had been.

"I was thinking about watching a film while we ate," Fitz remarked, scratching the back of his neck. "Though it's quite late now..." He looked at her. "You're still up for it? Otherwise, we can just eat here..."

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