These Things I've Done

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I sat up gasping, trying to get the brunette nightmare out of my head. I looked around the empty white room and it took me a second to realize where I was. New house. New state. New town.

He was out of my life. He's not coming back for me. Rocky Lynch is gone and he won't be able to find me.

I'd moved out of state just to get away from him. Although i had told my mom I just didnt wanna be in that town anymore. We'd dated for a while, but it went all wrong. He.....

I shook my head to get the bad memories out of my head. "Catrin!" My sister Copeland yelled, banging on the door. "GET READY FOR SCHOOL!"

"Alright! I'm getting ready!" I got up and made my way to my closet. I pulled on a ripped long white sweater, black pants, and some
Converse. I brushed my short green hair, which is naturally blonde, and didn't bother putting any make up around my brown eyes.

I grabbed my bag and opened up my door to see my much shorter black haired sister standing In front of me. "Moms already gone so we have to drive ourselves to school."

"Already?" I asked. "We just got here. What could she be doing already!?"

Copeland sighed. "Work stuff I guess. C'mon we better go."

I sighed and followed her out to our sleek black car. I did feel a little bad about making the whole family move to get away from Rocky. I mean.... They didn't even know about the Lynchs or me and Rocky dated or that he....

"You okay Catrin?" My sister asked.

I smiled. "Yeah. How far away is school?"

"Not far. Couple minutes?"

"Alright." I said, looking out the window. I wanted to try and catch a glimpse at the new prison I was being shipped off to.

We finally pulled up and I frowned. It was a large, long, two story building. We pulled up and I got outta the car and we both entered the school and tried to find the office.

We walked up to a lady behind the desk. "Names?"

"Copeland and Catrin Quinn." My sister said. "We're-"

"New. Yeah. I got that." She said, typing away. "Here's your schedules and a map of the school."

She pushed up some books too. We grabbed our stuff and left into the hall. "What's your schedule?" I asked my sister.

"Drama math English Spanish lunch gym Bio Med and free period."

"Great. No classes together besides lunch." I sighed.

She frowned, looking at the map. "I have no idea where the Drama room is."

"Hey do you have Drama first hour?" An unfamiliar voice called out. I looked up and saw a very tall boy with kind brown eyes and brown blonde hair that stuck out at all angles. he smiled and Copeland and she blushed.

"Uh yeah.... I do."

"I do too! I can show you. I'm Jordan by the way. You must be new."

"Copeland.... And yeah."

"Do you mind if I steal her?" He asked me, flashing a awkward smile.

"Noooo.... Of course not. You go right ahead."

He smiled. "Awesome!" They went off down the hall and I was suddenly alone. Great. Looks like I have gym first. This should be a fun day.

And I was right. The day sucked.
I had lunch with Copeland but that was about it. No other classes. She looked like she had made some friends, but I managed to avoid and repel everyone here. It's best that way.

By the time we got home it was 4 and I was tired. I threw my bag onto a moving box and went into the fridge.

"Anything to eat?" Cope asked.

"Mayo, three eggs, ketchup,water and rotten lettuce." I said, grabbing us water.

"Oh I guess mom got you your new phone by the way." She said, holding up a small box. "Why did you need a new phone anyways.... Yours wasn't broken."

I couldn't risk him finding me again. " I just needed a new upgrade." I smiled. She nodded her head and went back to drinking her water. I hate how good I had become at lying. Yet another thing he'd got me into the habit of.

"Hey I'm gonna go up to bed. Work on homework."

She nodded her head. "Alright. have fun. I'm gonna run to the store. Need anything."

"Ice cream? And don't get that vegan crap."

She laughed and ruffled my hair. "Vegan ice cream it is."

I rolled my eyes and went up to my room. It wasn't much. White walls with a big closet, window and small worn down old bed. I sat down and opened up some boxes.

As I pulled out my sheets, a picture fluttered out. I frowned. I thought I left all my pictures. I picked it up and a shiver ran up my spine.

It was one of me and my old....... Boyfriend..... Rocky. We were on beach and I was on his back smiling and he placed a kiss on my cheek.

I flipped it over and saw written in messy hand writing :

You can't get rid of me this fast babe.

I crumpled up the photos as my stomach clenched up. He's out of my life. He's not coming back.

These Things I've DoneWhere stories live. Discover now