School Day

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Hunk let out a yawn as he reached over and shut off the alarm clock, he stretched as he sat up in bed. He woke up Keith and Lance before walking to the bathroom. When he came back out, Keith headed towards the bathroom.

When he had finished changing, Hunk walking out of his bedroom, and into the dining room. As usual, he was the first one there. Allura was making pancakes while she talked to some client on the phone. She placed a plate of pancakes in front of Hunk as he sat down, and then one in front of Keith as well. Lance walked into the dining room and as soon as a plate of pancakes was placed in front of him, Allura left the room.

After two minutes of silent eating, they heard a small snip. Hunk looked up to see a pair of blades snipping off a tiny lock of Keith's hair. Keith was frozen, a bite of pancakes inches away from his mouth. Lance was smirking, a pair of scissors in his hand.

You know what they say about the quiet before the storm, yeah, well that's what happened here. One minute it was all a quiet and peaceful breakfast, the next there was yelling and shouting.

"What the heck, Lance?!" Keith shouted, grabbing the scissors out of his hands.


"Why'd you do that?!"

"Cause I wanted to."

"Guys! Stop fighting!" Hunk said, trying to get them to calm down, but now Lance was mad as well.

Just then Pidge entered the dining room

She took a seat next to Hunk, "Good Morning. Oh, what happened?"

"Morning. And, uh, Lance cut Keith's hair." He replied taking a bite of his pancakes, he had given up on trying to stop them, even though he had only tried once.

"But, where? It looks no different!" Pidge asked.

Hunk shrugged, "Lance just cut it."

"Well, it's not my fault your hair is so ugly!" Lance exclaimed.

"You didn't have to cut it though! And MY HAIR IS JUST FINE!" Keith retorted.

"Mullet head!"

"Stop calling me that!"

"Fix your hair!"

"Leave my hair alone!"

"When you learn how to make less ugly!"

"Oh, like your hair is perfect!"

"Yes, it is!"

"No, it's not! Your hair is a mess!"

"Lance! Keith! Stop arguing and-Keith what happened to your hair?!" Allura asked, as she stared at Keith in bewilderment, placing a plate of pancakes in front of Pidge.

As the two continued to argue, Hunk rolled his eyes, sure their fighting was a form of entertainment, but it was giving him a headache right now.

Hunk had just finished eating when Shiro came in to the living room, "Hurry up you four, or else you'll miss the bus." He looked like he wanted to say something else, but his phone started to ring. As he talked on the phone, he led his children out the door and towards the bus stop. Walking out the door, Hunk took notice of the fact that neither Lance or Keith had finished their breakfast or taken their lunches. He smirked, someone was going to be hungry today, or two someones.

As he and his siblings approached the bus stop, they split up. Lance was talking to a few boys in his grade, Pidge was waiting for her friends who, as usual, were probably running late again or something. Keith was talking to someone, Hunk did a double take, he was talking to someone?! Well, now there's something you don't see every day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2018 ⏰

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