Partner work

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Sasha's POV
S- we have all classes together, yay!
E- I'm so happy
T-today we are going to start off with partner work and those partners are for the rest of the year, Liz you go with Madelyn
L&M- Yay
Kelly you are with John, she kept on saying names I wanted to be paired with but when she said Echo go with Sasha my face brightened and I know it's weird but she seems like a drama magnet and I love drama. Let's get one thing straight I don't really get in drama I write about it on social media. I made an account where nobody will know it is me and that account writes about people with drama or just plain, old drama. People live on drama, it fuels them. On the account I said who ever figured out what my identity is they get to be like a co-writer.
S-I am so glad that you and me get to work together
E-Me too! I guess...

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