Chapter 14

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I sit here, on my frameless bed, pounding what tyler meant. It's been an hour an I still don't truly get it. Tyler I guess has been cut off from the world, maybe he doesn't understand the internet? 'Even real' hmmm.

I wonder if I can see him now. Before I even manage to get up there's a knock on my door. "Still alive amber." the door opens anyway. But it wasn't amber.

"Dad?". Why is he here. I hope he's doing ok. It looks like he his a new wrinkle on his forehead. Oh, i'm so sorry dad.

"Winter" he sighs, is he relieved to see me? "I've missed you," I run to him almost in tears. I launch myself at him giving him a big bear hug.

"I've miss you too!" i sob.

"Hey I have umm good news. With all that has happen, your brother dying after an eating disorder, I know it broke your mother, it broke me too, and i'm so sorry she made you feel like her, I married her with the intention of being with her sick and in health, but after she broke, she rebuilt herself into a bitch. I was waiting for it to past. But after what she said about you, I can't live with her. What I'm trying to say is...well. I'm moving out!" my jaw drops, I hug my father again. Tears fall from happiness. It's solved. IT'S SOLVED! I can live with dad.

"Now." dad starts, "im not divicing her, I'll wait her my wife to come back after she relieses how she's treats people and knows that saying I do nothing is bullshit, I will not do her jobs for her anymore. And driving my child to death, not okay."

"You're AMAZING dad, I can't believe this. This is the key. The chains and cage she has me in, You've just given me the key!" it's safe to say that I am ecstatic right now. Dad earns all the money too, she will have to get a job. Ha. taste of her own medicine.

"Wait, this just doesn't happen, nothing is this okay. Nothing is this easy," I say

"Oh your just depressed and used to everything being far to hard" dad laughs. "Annndddd IIIIIII brought chocolate."

"THAT'S THE EXPENSIVE AMAZING CHOCOLATE!" I say again far to excited taking the light chocolate from his hands. "I can't wait to tell tyler and share this with him. I wonder if he's had chocolate before?"

"Who's tyler, and who hasn't had chocolate before." my confused dad says

"I think you should meet him. You might find it interesting." and with that I run out of my room. I burst into tylers room. He's in his normal corner. "Tyler! You have to meet my father, look I have chocolate, only the best chocolate, come on, come on" energy is coursing through every cell in my body. Everything is fixed. I CAN BREATH AGAIN.

"Why are you so happy?" tyler whispers, you can tell he's been crying because his eyes are red. But he gets up and follow my bonding person.

I bring him back to my father a little unsure of how it will go. But too excited to rip into the chocolate in my hands. "Dad, this is Tyler. Tyler this is my amazing father who has just solved all my problems" my smile is far to big for my face. Tyler doesn't run away. Impressive.

"Oh, it's you. You're the poor soul that those men hurt. Well done for escaping them. Very impressive." says my shocked father. I look at tyler breaking apart a block of chocolate and letting it melt in my mouth. Ahh sooo good. I start breaking apart more squares. Tyler is blushing.

"Thank you, sir." he whispers. I hand him some chocolate then my father. Tyler's face when he puts it in was the best reaction I could have hoped for. A mixture of happiness and surprise.

"Right winter, thats time, just so you know, you're mother isn't allowed to visit you. But one day, you will have to face her again. Tyler, it was a pleasure meeting you, I'm glad you made it out." and with that he leaves.

"Nice work tyler, i'm impressed you didn't run or shut down."

"Your happiness is infectious i guess." he smiles.

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