Beauty tips

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Want subtle highlights for the summer but don't want to empty your wallet? Squeeze out an entire lemon into a dish, dip a clean toothbrush into the juice, and gently comb it through your hair. Then, go sit in the sun for about 45 minutes to an hour (wearing SPF, of course!). Do this once every two weeks or so and the lemon juice will naturally lighten your hair in the sun.


Reduce frizz by drying your hair with a cotton t-shirt instead of a towel, then blow drying on the cool setting. Regular towels can cause a ton of friction which disrupt the cuticle and create frizz, so cotton t-shirts absorb water without causing friction. Make sure to squeeze your hair, not to rub it, while drying (which can, surprise, create more frizz-making friction). Blow drying on the cool setting to keep the cuticle closed, which won't make as much of a frizzy mess as the hot setting.

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When curling your hair with a curling iron, start from the middle, not the ends of your hair. Your curls will last way longer.

4.Soften coconut oil into a paste in the microwave, apply to hair and leave for 20 minutes (under a shower cap if you have one, minus the shower) as a deep conditioner. Then rinse and wash hair as usual with shampoo and conditioner.

5.Mix 1/4 cup organic apple cider vinegar with 1 cup water to use as clarifying shampoo, then follow with your usual conditioner.

6.Use baking soda as all-natural shampoo.

7.Use organic apple cider vinegar and honey as conditioner.

8.Smooth dryer sheets over your hair to de-frizz mid-day.

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