beauty tips

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If you’re running low on tinted moisturizer, mix a little foundation into your daily facial moisturizer to make your own.

Mix powdered bronzer with moisturizer for a temporary self-tan.

Mix a drop of body oil or olive oil with moisturizer for an all-over shimmer.

Use baby oil, conditioner or coconut oil instead of shaving cream.

Out of acne cream? Crush a few Advil or aspirin and mix with water to create a paste (or open an Advil gel capsule), and leave the paste or gel on problem spots overnight. Add a Band-Aid to keep it in place.

Use Vaseline (petroleum jelly) as hand, eye and foot cream. (Just be sure to put on socks if you use it as foot cream, so you don’t muck up your sheets.)

Place chilled green tea bags on tired eyes to reduce puffiness.

Use yogurt, honey, mashed avocado or sugar as an all-natural face mask (you can literally put those on your face by themselves–here are instructions for giving yourself a sugar facial.)

Make a body scrub out of one part coconut oil and two parts sugar.

Apply the liquid from capsules of vitamin E to skin and hair as a moisturizer.

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