↩️Do it Over↪️

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i run out of the snow ball right as i see Mike and Eleven's lips collide. i couldn't take it no longer. Mike knew i have a crush on him. I knew he had a crush on me.

at least, he did.

i look up from Eleven's face. i saw a flash of y/n as she ran out of the dance. all my memories came rushing back...

our first confession:
i tsp her on the shoulder and she turns around. "can i talk to you?" "yeah. can i talk to you?" i nod and bring her to my basement. "you go" i say, smiling. i couldn't hold it back. she's so beautiful. "no you go" "okay... well, i really like you y/n" i say fiddling my thumbs.
what would she say?
"i.. can't explain in words how much you mean to me"
she blushes and says, "i was going to tell you the same thing. i really like you to Mike Wheeler"
i feel my eyes light up and my cheeks turn red. she wraps her arms around me and hugs me. i do the same.

our first comforting session:
i knock on the door and y/n answers it with bloodshot eyes. "Mike. hey" she says trying to smile. i hand her some flowers. "i'm so sorry about (f/n - friends name)" she nods. "i don't know if i'll ever see her again" she sniffs. "she's my best friend and she's moving across the continent" she wipes her eyes. i pull her into a hug. "it's gonna be okay." she looks up at me, "yeah, as long as i've got you"

our first kiss:
"hey. look at me. i love you, and i always will okay? don't ever forget that" i pull her close to me and kiss her soft lips

"Mike?" i snap out of it. "i- i have to go" i say and let go of Eleven. i realized i did love her and i always would and i won't ever forget that. i hope she won't either.

i feel a hand on my shoulder and i turn around. Mike. i couldn't look at him, he gave me so much pain. "what... do you want" i say looking down. "look up at me. please" i hear him say. "i cant. every time i see you. i see our memories, our greatest moments. it hurts me" Mike sighs. "i feel that too. y/n, i still love you. i understand i drifted from you to Eleven but... i love you and i always will-"
"Mike. please" i interrupt
"no. hear me out-"
"no. i- i cant right now" i shake his hand off me and run home.

what do i do to get her to forgive me?

weeks later...

*ding dong*
who could it be? it's like 8:30pm
i open the door to Mike. "Mike? what is th-" he takes my hand and runs outside, "follow me"

we get to the school and he lets go, finally.
"why are we at school? i didn't fail any tests! i swear!"
"no no" he chuckles then motions to (your friend) and (another friend) they walk over to me and pull me into a bathroom. they squeal when they pull out a dress. it's beautiful. "try this on!"
"what is going on?" i say but take it
"just do it"
i get changed and then they do my makeup.
they finally let me look in a mirror.
"whoa" i say
they squeal, "I KNOW RIGHT!"

they take my arms and lead me into the gym.
it's decorated just like the snow ball was earlier.
"go get him!" they say and push me through the doors.
"go get-" i say but stop when i see Mike.
he's wearing a suit. he looks amazing.

i turn to the doors. y/n stares at me and my heart drops
she looks stunning
she walks over
"you look absolutely gorgeous" i finally say
she blushes and says back, "you look amazing yourself"
she looks to the side at Max, Lucas, Dustin, Will, Nancy, and Eleven.
Every Breath You Take comes on and i hold my hand out, "do you... wanna dance?"
"but what about Elev-"
"she's not the one for me, you are" (a/n sorry mileven shippers. i love mileven but in this imagine, they're not a thing)
she blushes and then says "yes. i will dance with you Mike"
i take her hand and was her out to the floor.

Every move you make
Every vow you break

i watch Lucas and Max, Dustin and Nancy, and Will and Eleven go to the floor as well

Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake

i put my arms on y/n's waist and she puts hers around my shoulders

I'll be watching you
Since you've gone I been lost without a trace

i look into her eyes

I dream at night I can only see your face
I look around but it's you I can't replace

she looks back into my eyes and smiles

I feel so cold and I long for your embrace

i start to lean in...

I keep crying baby, baby, please

she leans in too, so now our lips are connected.

i look at her beautiful smile when we pull back. i cant help it but smile really big.

"i love you Michael Wheeler"

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