That fateful night

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The last class of the day was about to finish and chanyeol couldn't wait to go to his and sehuns favorite spot in the woods. That spot in the deep part of the woods where a cliff was and you could just sit there and look at the pretty lights of the city at night.

It was as if all his worries and nerves were relieved just as he thought of that spot. Knowing when he got there he and sehun would just talk about life up there and not care.

They had taken sehuns old rusted up truck to their favorite spot deep in those woods. They had finally arrived to their spot after a 20 minute ride. Looking at all the trees that towered over them and the soil that was a little damp from this mornings sprinkle.

They sat down at their spot where the ground is just about to tumble over and go to a drop about 20 feet down. Knowing one wrong move could possibly lead to their death.

"So, luhan?" Chanyeol asked knowing he would probably get a cheesy response of how he loves luhan so much he would do anything to accommodate just to his preferences.

"Luhan, luhan.....luhan. The love of my life, so close yet so far!" Sehun stood up and yelled into the afternoon sky of a nice orange and pink shade.

"You should write fortune cookies." Chanyeol said with the upmost sarcastic voice sehun had ever heard in his 17 years of living.

"I'm serious Chan I can't take it anymore! I want to be with him but I just don't know what to do!" The tall blonde said while grabbing his hair quite hard almost to the point of pulling it out.

"Why don't you just ask him out?" Chan said genuinely saying he should just grow a pair and ask luhan out. But chanyeol knew far to well what sehun was about to say.

"Chanyeol look and me," He gestured up and down, from head to toe on his body. "And look at luhan, no way in heaven, earth, or hell would he dare even look my way!" He said while slumping down on the rock next me.

I just laughed and looked out to the night sky. It was getting dark already. It felt like they had spent 20 minutes here not 2 hours. "Sehun maybe one da-"

Chan was cut short when a loud noise came from inside the forest. Both boys jumped back carful of the cliff. Not knowing what the loud noise was both of them to a step forward to find out what was causing the commotion.

As they got close both boys noticed the dark, and ominous feeling hovering around them. Just as they were about to take a step closer they saw a pair of red glowing eyes.

Before anything else could happen the 'thing' stepped forward. It was at least 7ft and was standing on his hind legs but just before the boys could run it got on all fours and lunged at them.

Chanyeol going in to fight or flight mode he quickly pushed sehun the other way and him falling the other just to get out of the beast way.

"Sehun run!" He scream and both boys took off. Guess he shouldn't have those cut corner in gym class.

Just as he heard sehun turn the car on he felt a sharp pain on his side. Him yelling in pain and clutching his side he continued to run to the the truck.

He heard sehun honk and told him to hurry he grabbed the handle to the truck and quickly got in and closed the door.

Sehun just about crushed the gas petal from pushing so hard to get the hell out of there. Not caring about anything else than just getting home and safe.

Chan checked his side to see why it hurt so bad. When he lifted his shirt he gasped and Almost fainted right there.

Sehun looked over to Chan's side and yelled "Chan what the hell is that!"

Chan was so scared, what was he going to do, all he felt like doing right now was sleeping.

What's going to happen to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2018 ⏰

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