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   It was August season last year! All smoothly sailing life with a kick start for my std12!
Independence day was just done and all brothers and sisters were pretty excited for the next upcoming most loved festival of the season ; RAKSHA BANDHAN!
    As the name suggests,a sister ties a rakhi and makes a "Bandhan" to show all love be for her brother while the brother ensures and promises for her safety"Raksha"
   Like everyone even I was all set to celebrate one of my favorite festival with my favourite cousin brother!
I had pre searched and found the best "rakhi" for him! All colours on the rakhi showing my love for him!!

It was just few days for the festival when life showed it's worst days to me!A tragedy that shook me and of course broke me badly!
My "favorite" cousin brother passed away suddenly in a bad road accident!
I felt shattered cause a "brother-sister bond" had broken,my favourite person had just left me!
Whom was I supposed to tie my rakhi to?Who would love me just the way always as my father did?Who would understand me and be support system in every stage of life!!?
These thoughts killed me completely!!
Being pretty depressed by all that had happened but not being able to avoid my daily chores, I continued with my routine!
  That day was casually browsing through my WhatsApp when I found this message from one of my best friend saying,"Dude it's been so long!When are we meeting up!" N the infamous dialogue of all friends "bhul gayi na mereko tu!!"

I was quite happy and we had a casual chat talking about friends and college and ofc Being in 12th grade our upcoming exams!!When this guy said, "bhen Raksha Bandhan hokar Gaya hai!Mera rakhi kab band rahi hai tu!??"

This friend was that guy who fought with me, irritated me but at the same time understood me the most!!- My bestie cum brother!
That guy bestfrnd most of we girls are blessed to have and whom we proudly introduce to anyone as "are yeh Mera bestfrnd..aur _Bhai_ _hai_ _re_ _meraa_ "
And that message from  him suddenly shook me! I was in all mixed up emotions of losing my cousin and this demand for being a rakhi sister this bestie Atharva!
   After a long thought and deciding to move on from the tragedy that happened I replied, " Let's meet up tomorrow!? I'd be coming with your rakhi!! ;-)"
Of course it wasn't Raksha Bandhan but a normal week day for everyone but was no lesser than a festival to me!I was about to officially celebrate my favorite festival with one of my favorite person!!
And the day we met arrived!Super excited I bought a the best rakhi I could for Atharva!
We met up at a local train station as I was having a hectic day and he too so couldn't afford to spend much time!
And I finally tied a "rakhi"-a thread that promised lots of love and support for one another and yes of course many many fights too!
   We both shared the loveliest smiles on our face!Both were glad that out paths crossed in life!!
This lil incident turned so many things around for me personally! I obtained a vibe of positiveness and happiness that could never be taken away by anything!
   Of course our "Raksha Bandhan" wasn't celebrated by exact rituals as it should be according to out Hindu religion ; but yeah had an impact very powerful on our bond!
I was the happiest and felt as if I found my lost brother ; as if I gained my support system back! Though Atharva has been my Rakhi-Brother from another mother ; we have shared one of the loveliest bonds on Earth I feel!
   They say that when you things from your heart they always give u best results! Maybe we hadn't followed rituals ; but I tied the rakhi with all my heart and he accepted it with all his!!
   Believe me or not but after this occasion our brother -sister bond has become even more stronger!And I literally mean the word 'stronger'!!
We have been there for each other Everytime just as real siblings!We fight,we argue but we share the most divine bond of friendship and love! And will always be sharing one such forever!
Being chosen different careers in life we don't very frequently be in touch, we don't talk daily but when we do we make it a point to speak our hearts out,make it a point to not leave a chance to make one another smile and of course argue a lot but show our love for one another as a brother and a sister!!
In the end, yes I lost my favorite cousin brother but found my best Rakhi-Brother from another mother!!❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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