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Carrick pulls up in front of my place and we both alight leaving Maudette in the back seat. Carrick walks me to the front door.

"Hey, you alright?" He asks.

"Huh? Um yeah. Why'd you ask?"

"I noticed you were distracted throughout the rest of the movie and on the way home. Is something wrong?"

I shake my head and give him a tired smile, "I'm tired is all."

He places a hand on my cheek and leans in to give me a quick kiss but I shoot my arms around his neck and kiss him back, prolonging the kiss. The memory of me and Maudette kissing back in the bathroom comes unannounced. I try to push it away, putting my all into the kiss but its like I still feel Maudette's lips on mine.

I pull back quite abruptly. He gives me this weird look.


He shakes his head slightly, "are you really okay?"

"Yes. Don't worry about me, tired", I end with a shrug.

We share a hug.

"Goodnight honey," he plants a kiss on my cheeks.

"Goodnight Rick."

I turn and catch Maudette give me this weird look then smiles at me and mouth a goodnight. I quickly glance away and walk inside after Carrick gets into his car.

I get into bed after a quick shower and putting on my night dress. I drop on my soft bed and close my eyes ready to drift off. My phone beeps and I grab it. A message from Carrick.

Sleep tight love n hope u feel better when u wake. gnite

I groan out loud when my phone rings. Who the heck calls this early? I take a pillow and put it over my head trying very hard to tune the tone out but I still hear it. I groan again and the phone goes off. I sigh contently and drift back to sleep. My phone goes off again and this time with a loud groan, I reach for it and knock something to the floor. Unknown number.

"Hello", I mumble still sleepy. What's the time anyway?

"You're still in bed?"

I jerk awake when I hear her voice; all trace of sleep ebbs away.

"How...how did you get my phone number?"

"My brother."

Of course Carrick gave it to her but why would he do that?

"What do you want this early?" I inquire.

"Early? It's almost noon sleepyhead."

I roll my eyes and turn to the alarm clock on my bedside drawer and notice its 11:45am. I can't believe I slept this much. Well considering the time I came home last night from the movies, its understandable.

"What do you want Maudette?" I ask sounding annoyed. I wasn't expecting her call hell I didn't want to talk to her after what happened last night.

"I need your help."

"Huh?" I sound bewildered but why wouldn't I? I hardly know this girl, we never really talk because she's mostly reserved and those weird looks she's always throwing my way.

"Twenty minutes. Get dressed I'm on my way."

"What the..."

The line goes dead. What the hell? Who on earth does she think she is. Well I'm not gonna do anything she wants.

I drag myself from bed and pick up the note that fell.

Good morning angel, went out to get some stuff for my trip. Made you some breakfast and lunch just in case. See you

I make my way downstairs and to the kitchen and just like mom said, everything's laid out on the dining table. I treat myself to half of the two then poured myself a glass of guava juice and make myself comfortable in the living room.

I decide to watch TV, paying no attention to the channels but settle for this cartoon entitled storks. I just love it and I've watched it for like a thousand times and yet I'm not tired of watching it.

The door bell goes and I wonder who's there. It can't be mom so...

I grab my glass and go to open the door. I freeze in place, my gaze locking on grey ones. Everything around me sort of stills and I think the only thing moving is my thudding heart.

Why does she always have this effect on me?

She's wearing dark jeans, a dark T-shirt with 'thrasher' written boldly in, is it fire?, on the front with the front bit tucked behind the buckle and baseball boots. Is this all she wears?

She has this annoyed expression. What is wrong with her?

"You're not dressed?" Maudette asks after a long pause.

"I um..." What the... "You can see I'm not."

She manages to get inside and I close the door behind her. She walks towards the living area and I follow her.

"Maudette, what are you doing here and what do you want?"

She turns to look at me. She looks pissed off but shouldn't I be the one pissed?

"I thought I told you to..."

"Yes I know what you said Maudette but you don't get to order me around and besides, I don't feel like dressing up as you can see," I point to my night dress and take a drink. My, that was a mouthful.

She gives me this half smile and says, "You know what Pixie, it's either you get your ass back to your room and get dressed or I'll drag it upstairs and do it for you. What's it gonna be?"

I gape at her. I want to call her bluff but by the look on her face, I know she's not. I put my glass on the coffee table.

"Give me a moment."

She nods with a smirk. I roll my eyes at Jer and she quickly frowns. I do it again and spin around, dash up the stairs to my room, take a long bath and start getting dressed. I blow dry my strawberry blonde hair and comb it down my back. Then pull out my outfit from my closet, dark denim mini skirt, light yellow camiseta and dark knee high boots with yellow laces running all the way up. I put on some lip gloss and that's it. I hate make-up. I look at my appearance in the mirror and I'm content with the way I look. I grab my purse and phone and make my way back to the living room.

I see Maudette's made herself comfortable, sitting where I'd been, her left leg crossed casually over her right and she's busily tapping at the screen with one hand and my glass is in her other. She takes a sip from it, her concentration fixed on the phone. I wonder what's got her so focused.

She takes another sip and glances up at me. I walk closer and she stands, staring at me.


She gives me a one eyed wink, "you look lovely."

I roll my eyes and turn away from her when I note my cheeks turn red and not before I see her frown. What up with her every time I roll my eyes?

"You should stop doing that."

I roll my eyes again and turn to her, "what?"


"I can't control it and my eyes just tend to do what it wants. Where are we going to?"

"I'll tell you in the car."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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