TS part one

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In cafe one boy talking with lady waiter..

Boy- can you plz tell me, who gave me these cake piece with my coffee, since last 6 months, & for what reason..
Lady waiter- sir it's special offer, only for you..

Boy "special offer"! He mumbled, looked here & there in cafe & coffee making area, asked- but here no special offer board of cake, I can't see anywhere in cafe a cake counter also.. I can see a cookies only..

Lady- sir here is no cake counter or a board, then how can you see that here...

Boy confused- means??

Lady- sir for you these cake piece came from that shop, & she direct him towards the cake shop..

Boy faintly smile- and who leaves these here..

Lady- one small boy, who drop these cake piece for you, here, when ever you came here, & he saw you, & he did his job only..

Boy- ohhh! Thank you for the information..

"Abhi you have to find out who's you're big well wisher, let's find out" he talked with himself in mind & he eat that last cake piece & drink his last sip of coffee went towards that cake shop..

In cake shop two ladies are talking with each other..

1st lady- so madam what happened about your course of hotel management pastry chef, when admissions will start..

2nd lady- last week of these month Disha..

Disha- ohh! So you'll leave this job Pragya..

Pragya- I don't think about that..

Disha- ohhk, & what about that unknown person, who, you send cake piece, what about him..

Pragya- what about him, now?

Disha- just think, you leave the shop, then..

Pragya- then, nothing, I'll send him cake piece daily, I'll pay for that also, will you send it na..? I'll pay for that, don't worry..

Disha- I'm not talking about payment, if he knows that you send him cake piece from here, that cafe serve him only coffee, then..

Pragya- if he knows about that, & he came here, you never told him, about me..

Disha- why??

Pragya- coz, I really don't want..

Disha- you don't know his name, & you make one relation with him, unknowingly.. he didn't even know about that.. last 6 months you send him cake piece, which day was first, you remember..

Pragya- of course, I remember, 14th Feb 2018, Valentine's day, he was waiting for his love once,, whole day he was waiting for her, she didn't came, he came 9 on morning, he was wait for her till closed time of cafe.. he sit on same chair, he drinks 6 cups of coffee, he ordered 7th cup of coffee on 9:25pm, I observed him whole day, when he came on morning, on his face one cute smile, but that one person who he was waiting till cafe closed time, not came there, his face almost dull, which was not suits him, so that's why I sent that cake piece to him, he ate that, maybe he like too, coz after he ate that piece, his morning smile came on his face, which was same, when he came there, & I feel happy for that..

Disha- you know what, you actually fallen for him.. & reality is that, you don't realize that..

Pragya- it's nothing like that, you get that..

Disha- is it! I know you better then everyone, when he didn't came on Sunday's, whole day you're mood off.. & I'm the one who knows that..

Pragya- Disha you're gonna mad..

Same time Abhi enter in shop, they both stop their babbling, Disha look Pragya then Abhi..

Disha asked- yes sir..

Abhi- hi..

Disha only smile..

Abhi point to coffee shop- I always went that Cafe, for drink coffee, & today I know, in that cafe, no cake counter, but only for me whenever I ordered coffee for me, with that one cake piece, I got on that, I asked this in Cafe, they show me your cake shop, now can you plz tell me, who's that person, who send me cake piece daily..

Disha went to say something, but Pragya take over rule & ask him in innocent tone- sir, you get that cake piece daily, Right!

Abhi- yes!

Pragya- you daily eat that piece..

Abhi- yes!

Pragya- do you like that..

Abhi- yes, I love that..

Pragya suddenly change her innocent tone into rude tone- then sir, eat that cake piece, why you want to meet that person..

Abhi- arrye, Pragya cut him mid..

Pragya sternly tone- look Mr you got that piece daily, you have to eat that piece daily, without asking a single question...

Abhi- ok & he went out from there..

Disha only look at Pragya, she look to Disha..

Pragya- what! Why are you looking at me..

Disha- last six months, you send cake piece that person, he came here to meet you, & you! you send him back within 2 minutes.. & that idiot guy, he also left the place, without asking any further questions.. what a stupid guy..

Pragya- if he came here again, & asked about me.. plz don't tell him about me.. plz..

Disha- ok..

Pragya- which thing, you'll never tell him..

Disha with sad face- cake piece thing..

Abhi thinking about that girl which was talked with him, in cake shop- I saw that girl somewhere, but where.. I have to think about it.. where you saw her, Abhi.. think Abhi think..

Evening 9pm, cake shop closed time, Pragya & Disha doing there wind-up work, Disha ask to Pragya..

Disha- what about that boy, for him you took cake in your tiffin box, in your school days, your first crush..

Pragya- first crush, why you pick that topic now..

Disha- tell me na.. that story is so beautiful, I just feel like that Prince & princess story, or like a fairy tales..

Pragya- kuch bhi..

Disha- can you plz start.. plz..

Pragya- ok..

Next part very soon..

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