Prince Jacob Marcus Schreave of Illea

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Name: Jacob Marcus Schreave

Nicknames: Jack

Age: 5

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown


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Province: Angeles

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Province: Angeles

Caste: 1

Personality: Jacob is at that age where he doesn't get along with others very well. He's clingy and wants to keep everything for himself. He doesn't like to share much but is usually forced too. He still think he is small enough for his parents to carry him even though he is getting big to  hold. He cries and whines when he doesn't get what he wants. If it is not done this way, Jacob will throw a fit.

Likes: His way, his things, his stuff, being carried, being tall, candy, sugar, shorts, dogs, having fun.

Dislikes: Suits, sharing, having to do things his way, walking everywhere, being alone, being on camera.

Strengths: Crying, manipulating people, running.

Weaknesses: Sharing, being grown up, staying quiet.

Fears: That no one will notice him.

Hobbies: Running, playing 'Dinosaurs' in his room with his butlers.

Their deepest secret?: Jacob slips his vegetables into his pockets and when dinners is over, he flushes them down the toilet in his room.

Thoughts about the Selection?: He doesn't like the Selection because there are more people take attention away from him.

Other: None.

Taken: Play by @crazycrazygur1

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