Tagged 2 :3

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I for one didn't expect this plesant surprise! But, DestinyFerrum has tagged me but good! So as follows I shall be doing the seven questions you see above

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I for one didn't expect this plesant surprise! But, DestinyFerrum has tagged me but good! So as follows I shall be doing the seven questions you see above. Let's start!

~1~ What is the meaning behind your username?

Well, it's my name... Esther.

~2~ Favorite book?

To be honest, I don't have a specific book that I like, more like a whole genre. In this I feel a no- brainer would be Fanfiction.

~3~ What's your icon and background?

Well, I for one think I have the best background in in my whole history of backgrounds..

Happy's so adorable

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Happy's so adorable.. (^u^)

>4< What type of books do you write //if you write?

If I wrote a book it would most likely be a fanificton or reincarnation.

>5< Recomend 3 books?

For me, this is really hard but if I had to pick it would be Tamer of Chaos by Primsgirl89, Genius Empress Cross by @EllieCross1. Last but not least Heart Of The Sea by boss_baby_. :3

>6< Secret about your Wattpad?

I have no secrets!


Why are you still here ;-;

Don't be so stiff- I won't talk.



The ten people I will be tagging are:











Good luck :D

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