Chapter One

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As I slip on the pale grey dress over my shoulders, I can't help but notice the way is fits so well with the glow radiating off my skin from the previous week I had spent in the sun, in Barcelona.

Tonight was my parents' anniversary party. They've been married for twenty-nine years, but for some unknown reason they decide to throw a huge party every year to celebrate with the world, instead of by themselves.

Pretty much everyone I knew was coming tonight. All the way from my Tia Keanu, to my Grandma Willow, and all of my parents' friends. It was held in the backyard of my parents' beach house in downtown New Orleans.

I finish putting on the pair of diamond studs that my brother, Eric, had gotten me when he went to Santorini in Greece with his wife, Grace.

"You look wonderful, darling." My mother speaks from behind me, her hands covering her mouth while she gazes at me.

"Thanks mama." I send her a small smile through the mirror, as I spray hairspray onto my curls to kept them in tact. Through the mirror I see my mother padding towards me, and fluffing my curls.

"You look so grown up." She whispers.

"Mom, I'm twenty-three." I giggle, making her sigh.

"I know, I know. It's just, I miss having my babies around. You and Eric are so grown up now, and with Sabrina- you know... I-i just can't help it." She replies. She's so precious...

My older sister, Sabrina, had passed away about seven years ago due to a fatal car wreck. She was twenty at the time, while Eric was eighteen, and I only sixteen. She was out for a drive with her fiancé- Adam. She was driving, as they were coming home from a Green Day concert.

A drunken truck driver had come straight into their lane, and she didn't have time to try to swerve into the ditch. Her silver BMW had gotten under the semi somehow, and the only one to survive was Adam.

Not only did Adam lose the love of his life, but his future child too. Two weeks prior to the wreck, they had found out that Sabrina was a month into her pregnancy. Sabrina had just got done touring, and they were so happy with the news, that Adam surprised her with two tickets to see her favorite band as a way to say 'Congratulations! I knocked you up!'.

"Your sister would be so proud of you, darling." Mother whispers, as she tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear with tears brimming her eyes.

"Nope, ma, were not doing this. I know she'd be proud of me, and I miss her dearly, but tonight is your night. Your makeup looks too good to be crying, momma." I beam, pulling her into a tight hug.

She pulls away after a few long seconds, and wipes the few stray tears that slipped from her eyes, then kisses my cheek. There's a faint knock heard at the bedroom door, making both of our heads turn towards the sound as Grace walks in with a warm smile plastered on her face.

"Look that the two of you!" Grace squeals, once she's further into the room. "You guys look beautiful!". She wore a plum cocktail dress that went past her knees, with a pair of matching pumps, and the same pair of studs in her ears. Only hers were Emerald.

"By the way, Cassie, Karen is here." Grace smiles before planting a kiss on both mine, and my mothers cheeks, and exiting the room again.

"Mama, I hate to kick you out, but your guests are waiting. I'll be down in a few short minutes, I just have to finish getting ready."

"Of course Max, wouldn't want to keep them waiting." She agrees. I watch her gather herself in the full-body mirror that hung on the back of the bedroom door, before exiting the room.

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