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Jeongin POV.

Chan looks happy,even though it hurts me i can't ignore that fact.I'm just a burden for him..i act like a baby and i whine so much he will be annoyed soon and leave me.
That thought triggers me,i don't want him to leave me but there is nothing i can do.He looks happier with Bambam hyung.

They match so well,like a puzzle.While me,i never do anything for him,he pays for everything,give me anything i want,and i still dare to get mad at him sometimes.Wow Jeongin you are so stupid.

My braces are ugly,my face is too stretch  and i dont even have a nice body.
Why did he even date me in the first place??

While he can Rap,sing ,dance,produce,compose music there is nothing im good at..I seriously dont deserve him.He is good at everything,bambam Hyung too..They can even share their opinions  about music while i know nothing. I need help with Dance same goes for singing.Im just a Burden to him.An extra Burden which he dont need and dont deserve.

You are ugly Jeongin,You dont fit well with Chan,he deserves Better,You have too many flaws.Just Leave Him.

AN:HIII!!! The main story will start from the Next Chappie please stay tuned!♡♡ Love ya'll♡♡

All i ever Need-Chanjeong/JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now