Chapter 1

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Iv never been one for love story's or drama story's or any story's really but I guess you could say my story , my story isn't like most story's . After reading a few different books I decided we are fading ... Well I'm fading . See we are all characters , our life is a book and the character is slowly fading as they get older till the point then the author can't write anymore and so the story fades out with the person but even when the story has finished , and the character has faded , they are still there . If you read the book again the character is alive but will fade away anyway , it's like life apart from you can only read it once

This story is all about my new life and the people who fade around me. Let's start there then, shall we ?


So this is just alittle starter thing but Egh hope u enjoyed it anyway

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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