36 {Special - Birthday}

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Felix's POV

"Hyung, I need your help." I said. Tomorrow is Ally's birthday and I'm basically clueless.

"Really? Well your stupid?" Chan rolled his eyes. "I'll help!" Jeongin chimed along with the others. "Thanks guys" I smiled and sighed in relief.

"She said she doesn't want anything special. So, Somethimg simple" I said. "Thats it? Really Felix?" Minho rolled his eyes. "Shut up" I rolled my eyes. "Help me please" I whined.

"Fine, fine, lets just do a small gathering with cake, food and drinks" Woojin suggested. "Now, how hard was that?" Chan rolled his eyes.

I sighed and walked into my room. A few hours later, we decided who would do what.

"Minho, Changbin, you two collect the cake. Chan, Jeongin and I, will get some decorations. Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jisung distract her. Take her out somewhere. Felix, just help set up the house or find something to make yourself useful" Woojin instructed.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay" Everyone agreed. "I'm gonna order the cake now" I said and grabbed my phone. "Yeah, sure, whatever" I rolled my eyes at Seungmin's reply and ordered a cake I knew she would like.

Its her seventeenth birthday, international age. I wanted to make it special since it was her first with me and the guys.

(Seventeen teen teen!)

"Hold up guys, what about her sister?" Jisung asked when I hung up. "Oh yeah" Minho gasped.

"She's not going to be there" Hyunjin suddenly said standing up from his spot on the couch. "What? Why?" I asked. "She lost her scholarship. We broke up." He walked into his room.

"Oh my gosh," we were shook. Wow. "Someone should comfort him" Jisung said. "Come on guys, he needs all of us right now" Chan said.

We agreed and walked into his room. I felt really bad for him as we engulfed him in a hug. I knew he loved her but I want to know what really happened. Suddenly the boy bursted out in tears making us hug him tighter.

The next day

Changbin's POV

"Did Felix tell you what time we were supposed to collect the cake?" Minho asked. I shrugged. "Let me ask him" He was on his phone for a while.

When he finally came off he looked at me and said, "we were supposed to collect it half an hour ago" he said looking pale. "What if they gave it away?!" He groaned.

"Well, we gotta get there now and see, Felix said there had already been two orders for that cake and if he wasn't there in time, he'd give it away..." I trailed off. "Well, come on lets go!" We started running.

Chan's POV

"Do you think she'd like this?" Woojin showed me a banner with the words 'Happy Birthday!' On it. "Sure" I said half-heartedly.

"Whats wrong, Hyung?" Jeongin asked with a pout. "Ah, I'm just worried about Hyunjin" I sighed. "He's gonna be fine, hyung" Jeongin said but I knew he didn't believe it either.

"But what if he's not" Woojin couldn't hear us because he was in another aisle looking around for balloons. "We'll help him" He comforted.

I feel really bad. I'm supposed to be protecting them and making sure they don't get hurt. I guess, not even I could do that.. I feel like s-

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