Chapter One

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Some people will never change, I guess I learnt that the hard way.

His brown eyes burned in to my green ones, I could smell his minty breath as I flickered my eyes down to his plump pink lips. "Get out of my way, don't test me, fatty." I tried not to act scared, I wanted him to think I was tough- I am tough.

I couldn't look him in the eyes as I whimpered a small "sorry" and moved out of the way. His friends laughed like the bunch of idiots they are, I felt the blush spread over my whole body as I scurried down the corridor avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Mum, please! I hate being new, let me move back! I can live by myself, just anything! All the boys hate me and the girls are bitches!" My mum just glared at me, I knew this begging was pointless, I knew my mother would never do anything big for me that I would actually want or need. "Don't be silly, it's your first day! You're a beautiful girl and people will warm to you, eventually. If you don't like living here within a month, you can move back and live with your grandparents." My smile could not have got any wider at that last bit of news that I received. But when my mother said I was a beautiful girl she was lying. My name is Felicity, Felicity the fatty. I carry a few more pounds than I should, my hair was a mousy brown and I had freckles sprinkled over my nose. I've never had a boyfriend and I don't think I will ever get one.

School the next day was torture, in English my teacher tried to ask me as many questions as possible to try and help me "fit in." He then asked the class if they wanted to ask me any questions, obviously that brown eyed boy who was magnificently covered in freckles had to be a smart ass and as the obvious question, "Have you ever thought about losing weight?" And do you wanna know what my answer was? Fuck you. Then I threw the worksheet that we were working on, at him and stormed out of the classroom. No one followed me.

A/N: my first story that I've posted and I hope you guys enjoy this! Please let me know if I should continue xx

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