I Wait for the Day

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Never pity me I have all I need

It is you who is lost

Not knowing love when its right in front of you

I am not the one broken in the rain

I may only stand and watch, hoping, asking

Seems like forever has passed since last I saw you smile

You know its been a while

Time passes on and happiness fades

Yet here I stand waiting for you

The days get darker and the nights grow colder

Yet none outside as cold as your heart

Protected behind a wall of ice

I cannot blame you

Your heart has been broken more than once upon a time, the same as mine

You do not remember

The warmth of touch

The light laughter brought

The comfort of never being alone

Let me teach you once again

I better than any

Know I must wait for that day

When you winter finally ends

And a spring of happiness and laughter begins to melt the ice around your heart

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