Chapter 6: A Race against Time

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Chiliad and Vegeta sat patiently, but Nappa was still eager to kill the remaining Z-fighters.

(Nappa)"Ugh, how much longer do we have to wait?!"

(Chiliad)"Patience Nappa, you'll get to fight them again. Just remember what I said."

(Nappa)"Right, don't kill the Namekian."

Chiliad pressed the button on his scouter, and made a call to his ship.

(Chiliad)"I need any and all available soldiers to go to the Capsule Corp, the pink house, and the floating temple, and capture everyone there!"

(Chiliad)"Oh , and send two men to my location, I need someone to collect the Namekian once we're done fighting."

He ended the call, and noticed a vehicle in the distance, and they we're recording.

(Chiliad)"I thought I made it clear to them, that they should stay out of my business! Nappa, could you make my point more clear to them for me?"

(Nappa)"Sure! Beats standing around and doing nothing!"

Nappa flew towards the jeep, and it drove off, it went to the little camp that the news reporters were at to record the fighting.

(Nappa)"I hate the media!"

He fired white eye beams at the reporters, killing them all, and destroying their equipment, now nobody could see what was going on.

Back in Other World, Goku was still running across Snake Way, but he could see the Check in Station in the distance.

(Goku)"Yes! I'm almost there!"

Three hours have passed, and their was no sign of Goku.

(Vegeta)"Times up, looks like your mighty champion isn't coming to the rescue."

(Piccolo)"Come on, don't do this, Goku!"

Nappa removed his broken armor, and was ready to finish this little game of his. Krillin was the first to charge at the large Saiyan. He leaped into the air, confusing Nappa. Piccolo took the opportunity, and quickly got behind him, and grabbed Nappa's tail. When he and Goku fought Radiz, Goku grabbed his tail, and Radiz couldn't move. This was also the case for Goku himself, until he permanently removed his.

(Nappa)"Nice try!"

He elbowed Piccolo in the head, leaving a large, purple bruise.

(Piccolo)"Th-That's impossible!"

He let go of the Saiyan's tail, and went unconscious.

(Nappa)"Hey now! Don't go dying on us just yet! We still need to get those Dragon Balls!"

(Vegeta)"Hahaha! Did you think that would actually work!? We wouldn't let an obvious weakness like that go untrained!"

He ran towards Gohan, and kicked him in the stomach. He hit a wall, and fell to ground.

(Nappa)"Come on! I'm just getting started!"

He flew towards Gohan, but was then kicked in the face by Krillin.

(Vegeta)"Looks like someone has some tricks up their sleeve!"

(Krillin)"Think that was good? Then you'll love this!"

He raised his right hand in the air, and made a yellow energy disc. He threw it at Nappa, and he was going to let it hit him.

(Chiliad/Vegeta)"Nappa! Dodge it, now!"

He looked at the both of them, and the energy disc went across his face, leaving a large cut. If he hadn't moved his head, it would've been on the ground.

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