
659 14 149


Neutral, Hunter, Protecter, or Shapeshifter?

Age: (can be hundreds of years old of shapeshifter)


Normal form: (can be mythical creature)

Human form looks:

Likes: (at least three)

Dislikes: (at least two)


Extra: (like of you're the blacksmith or village leader or something)

Name: Aurora or Rory


Age: 700

Gender: Female

Normal form: Bat or Dolphin

Human form looks: Brown hair with Hazel eyes. Dark blue sweatshirt.

Likes: Quiet, Night, Warmth

Dislikes: The cold, Jerks, Mortals

Family/crush: None

Name: Butch


Age: 685

Gender: Male

Normal form: Dolphin or Hawk

Human form looks: Raven hair and brown eyes. Cute smile and a brown sweatshirt.

Likes: Sky, Freedom, His cleverness

Dislikes: Hunters, Icy Mountains

Crush: Aurora

Name: Dingo


Age: 34

Gender: Male

Looks: (use your IMAGINATION!)

Likes: Himself, Himself, Himself

Dislikes: Shapeshifters, Shapeshifters

Family/crush: NEVERRRR

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