Part 17

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haishh apa lgi dia nak?

aku call unkown number trsebut

aku: kau nk ape lagi?!
unkown: i want to kill you because you sent my adik to jail
aku: kau dgn adik kau memang x prnh x kcau hidup kitorg en?? adik beradik sama je!
unkown: kali nie aq nak bunuh kau pulak *gelak mcm org jahat*

aku end call trsebut

now what am i supposed to do right now?!?!? how am i supposed to protect raebin?! haihh so stress!! many things going on at my head!!

aku pergi beli maknan dulu kemudian aku pergi masuk balik ke dlm bilik raebin.

aku letakkan bungkusan maknan trsebut diatas meja bersebelahan dgn katil Raebin.

"jagi..." aku peggng tngn raebin
"yeobo akn stay kt rumah jagi dulu tau" aku senyum
"sebab... yeobo rindu jagi" aku beri senyuman palsu
"lies...... what's wrong yeobo?? ada pape masalah ke?? klo ada masalah bagitaulh..."
"x de papelh... tadi.. taeil hyung call dia bgitau psl mark sakit msa dorg tgh perform..."

mianhae jagi.. terpaksa tipu supaya raebin sshi x takut dn x risau...

"oohh i hope mu abang angkat will be okay"

aku hanya beri senyuman palsu.

The Next Day

aku mengajak raebin brjln2 di taman hospital. jadi kitorg brdua pergilh brjln2 kt taman hosp.

fans 1: wehh tu bukan ke DOYOUNG NCT?!
fans 2: Aahlh.. asal dia kat seoul? bukan ke nct 127 ada world tour?
fans 1: haven't you read the news?!
fans 2: news abt what?
fans 1: doyoung nct trpaksa balik dsbbkn tunang dia masuk hosp
fans 3: i heard that dia x join apa2 schedule nxt127!! dia join bulan dpn!
fans 4: penting sgt ke fiancee dia tu?! fans dia lgi penting!!!!!!
fans 1: but guys you should be happy dia tgh dating someone rn! dhlh dorg brdua dh bertunang!! we as NCTZEN should be happy abt it!!
fans 5: BETUL TU!

"just abaikan jelh dorg tu" aku senyum kt raebin kemudian aku peggng tngn raebin
"i'm so glad i'm gonna marrying someone who i minat sangat2" raebin peluk aku

fans 1: HUWA SWEETNYA!!!
fans 2: ew no
fans 3: aku harap one day dorg break
fans 1: ....

"ugh.." raebin lepaskn aku
"Huaa jagiyaa 😩🍭 jagi are you hurt?! mesti sbb dorg kan?!"
"YA! KORG NIE X BOLEH KE X SENYAP?! DESBBKAN KORG LAH FIANCEE AKU SAKIT HATI! get out of this fandom i don't need fans like you guys" aku jeling ke arah dorg

lepastu fans2 yg kt sana tu pon blah kecuali fans 1.

fans 1 tu berjalan pergi ke arah aku dn Raebin.

"annyeonghaseyo! Lee Chaeyoung imnida! i'm a number one fan of shipper RAEYOUNG/RAEDO!!!!!" Chaeyoung senyum
"huh?" aku pelik

"sebenarnya saya minat kt doyoung sshi jugk tpi i'm not that kind of fan who is so obsessed with their bias!! the day the news abt you dating one of your fans.. time tu saya x brpa percaya sgt. mula2 pon saya x terima yg doyoung sshi nie ada dating slh seorang nctzennya but after i read the video abt you.. saya dh terima dh.. and then i ship both of you guys!!!!!!! I ONLY SHIP DOYOUNG WITH HIS FIANCEE NAME IM RAEBIN 🍭✨" kata Chaeyoung pnjng lebar

"wow.. first time" doyoung trkejut
"LEE CHAEYOUNG?!" Raebin nampak trkejut
"wae? miss wife-to-be Doyoung?"
"don't you remember me??"
"w-what?..... ADIK KEPADA IM JAEBUM?!?!? IS THAT YOU RIGHT?!" Chaeyoung trkejut
"huh? you guys know each other?" aku soal

Raebin POV

wahh x sangka aku dpt jmpa crush abg aku waktu abg aku sekolah!!!!

"yeobo.. blh x bagi kitorg brckp kejap? kejap jeee" aku senyum
"alaaa hurmm yelahh" doyoung pergi ke tempat lain

"haha mesti dia sedihh x dpt nk stay dgn wife-to-be dia" Chaeyoung gelak
"Chaeyoungie.. do you still remember my brother?" soal aku
"yes i still remember him.. dh brtahun2 aku carik dia.. aku x jumpa pon dia..." kata chaeyoung
"wait i thought he is an idol too..."
"do you forgot the news 2 years ago?"

Flashback one day before Jaebum hilang

"ya saeng! i'm going to a world tour for a few days!" kata Jaebum
"world tour? tapi jyp x ckp pon got7 ada world tour 🤔🍭" pelik raebin.
"sebab.. kitorg nak surprise" kata Jaebum
"hmm okay"
"nnti bgitau suzy noona tau"

Keesokkan harinya
Raebin POV (flashback)


abang aku... hilang...???

"suzy unnie... Jaebum oppa hilang" aku menangis tresak2 di sebelah kakak aku
"dah dah jngn menangis.. nnti dia baliklh tu.." suzy my lovely unnie peluk aku
"xpe maybe one day dia akn dtg.?? just wait.." kakak aku beri senyuman kt aku
"ya saeng brsbrlh saeng..."
"i.. can't..." aku menangis

Flashback end

after a few months later.. me and my sister start to forget abt him... i can't believe i forget abt him.... it's been 2 years since dia menghilang.. skrg got6 are not complete without Jaebum...

"h-how can i forgot abt him..?" air mata aku mula mengalir

"orang sekeliling aku surh lupakan psl dia.. sebab dh 2 thun dia dh x de.. i just can't move on... i'm still going to find him... btw those crazy immature fans yang you dgr tu tdi.. they are my friends.. well not really closed because dorg slalu sakitkn hati aku.. i don't anggap them as my real friends... i only anggap im jaebum as my real friends...." kata Chaeyoung pnjng lebar

"i understand you.... aku dulu x de pon kawan... semua x suka aku... tu pon dulu aku ada kwn tpi aku rasa kwn tu slalu x lyn aku hm..." kata aku

"btw.. can we be friends..? since you're his younger sister" Chaeyoung senyum
"are you still going to find him..?" soal aku
"yes... no matter what.. i'm still going to find him no matter what..... nobody is going to stop me from finding someone who i trust the most..."

aku peluk Chaeyoung

"goodluck finding him.." aku senyum
"and oh i forgot! congratulations sebab dh bertunang dgn org yg kau minat gila" Chaeyoung senyum balik kt aku
"thank youu!!!"
"welcome! hah! bila wedding korg?"
"xtau lagi...."
"nnti wedding jngn lupa ajak aku tau!" Chaeyoung giggles

"okay dhlh.. kwn2 aku tu mesti tgh tunggu aku skrg.. jmpa lagi!" Chaeyoung memeluk aku
"bye!!!" aku senyum

"ya! what took you guys so long?!" Doyoung pout
"alaa baeby tunggu lama sgt ke?? alolo ciannya" aku mencubit pipi Doyoung
"lama titew tunggu tau!!!"
"dh2lh" aku gelak
"jom masuk jagi!!!!" doyoung senyum
"nae.. jom!"

Skip at midnight
Doyoung POV

aku dpt message dripda unkown number tu

"come and meet me at the back of the hosp"

aku pergi keluar dripda bilik raebin kemudian aku pergi ke belakang hosp.

"what do you want again Justin Park?"
"i get it. you want to kill me right?! go ahead and kill me!!!!!"
"x bestlah kill awk mcm tu je.... how abt... i'm doing this" Justin(sorry can't think of any name) mengeluarkn pistolnya kemudian dia tembak aku.


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