(Currently on hiatus, due to a writers block but I'm working through it)
"I will absolutely NOT hang out with a nerd EVER! "
"Why? You scared? "
"Of a nerd? Oh hell no! "
"Does he hate us that much?"
Jungkook is the popular...
"Are we done? " I ask the doctors, Tuesday, wanting to go to my college now with my friends.
"Almost, want to read a book?" He asks me. My eyes widen.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Book! Now! "I respond, eager to read another book.
"How about some English books? " He asked me.
"I've read a lot of those." I respond.
"Okay, Harry Potter books. "
"Finished the whole series. "
"The whole series?! Can you even speak English?! "
I laugh at this doctor. "I have a phone. There's this thing called Google Translate. C'mon, you're like 40, get with the program. "
"Okay.... Percy Jackson? "
"I've read all of Rick Riordan and J. K. Rowling's books, next. "
He smirks. "Integrated mathematics?"
"I read that math book when I was 10. Come one man, gotta do better. " I fake a yawn.
"Flush? "
"Read. "
"When I was eight. I'm getting bored now. " I brag, and this doctor looks shocked.
"Divergent series? "
"That's a book? " He gasps at my answer.
"How could you read almost every book on the planet but not read divergent?!" he asks.
".....g-give me that book. " I say and snatch the book from this doctor. There is no way he's read a book and I haven't. I check it out. "Looks.... Adequate. " I say, trying to contain a smile.
I hug the doctor. "Thanks Doctor Kim! " I say and hug Seokjins dad.
"No problem, keep it. " he says and I hug him again.
"We were actually done with testing. You are free to leave. Are you going to take the bus or something? " He asks.
"Probably, thanks, see you later Dr. Kim. " I say. "Did Seokjin get me a change of clothes? I can't go into school wearing a hospital gown. "
"Yes, actually, he gave you a choice of clothes, my son is so thoughtful." he says. I smile. He goes outside the room for a minute.
"Here. " he says when he returns, handing me a suitcase full of clothes and then walking out, shutting the door behind him.
"Wow, Seokjin, I only needed one outfit, you know what I like. " I laugh to myself and open up the suitcase, revealing a bunch of outfits I like.
I pull out a familiar outfit. One I've never worn before. I guess today's the day. I take out a white shirt, red jeans, and suspenders.
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I grab my stuff like my phone, wallet, and the suitcase Seokjin put my clothes in.
I walk out the door to the office. "Can I leave now? " I ask them. The lady at the front desk nods.
I hope Seokjin's not mad at me. I know I'll probably get scolded as soon as he sees me. I'm old enough to walk or get the bus my myself. I know he's like a mom to me, but he doesn't have to completely baby me. At least I have someone worrying about me. It's only going to a college, I'm sure I'll be fine. Oh what, is a man gonna kidnap a adult? I don't think so.
I step outside and feel the warmness, followed by a cool breeze on my face. I still have my suitcase, dragging it behind me. Thank you, Seokjin.
I walk to the nearest bus stop and wait for a bus to come take me to my destination.
A bus finally arrives so I get in. I get some won from inside my pocket and hand it to the driver. He nods and gets the won. I glance at the back and notice that there are many people and only one open spot. I guess people have to go places today. But hey, I'm lucky. A seats a seat.
As I walk to the back of the bus, I hear a few girls about my age giggling. I wonder if that's what it's like to be popular. I don't remember what it felt like because I don't remember much about when I was back in Busan.
I sit next to who I'm pretty sure is a man, with a black face mask on, and black jacket. He had black dark hair, and look as if he was in his thirties. It would be hard to tell for usual people, from the lack of evidence, but it was not that difficult for me. I'm good at guessing peoples age.
I stiffen up. He looks.... Shady. Like a criminal or something.
I can't move over because of how packed this bus is. I can tell the man glanced at me a few times.
When the bus finally comes to a stop, I could tell it's about a block away from my school, and it's the closest. I see a few people get off the bus, and I have to wait for everyone to get off first.
I go to walk off the bus, dragging my suitcase behind me, but the shady man is walking behind me. I get off the bus in the direction of my school but the man walks in the same way, a few feet behind me. I pick up my pace, a bit scared, and he does too.
He catches up to me. "Hey, " he says, and takes off his mask. He definitely middle aged. "You dropped this. " he adds and hands me my wallet. I wonder how he got it.
I mentally scold myself for thinking of this man in a bad way at first glance. I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I smile. "Thanks, I must have dropped it. Silly me. " I tell him and he smiles.
"It's okay, " he ,still smiling. But this smile seems....different. In his eyes. Almost as if he pities me. Or is worried about me. Like the look Seokjin and Taehyung gave me when I lost my parents. For that reason I can't seem to remember.
"I'll get going now, can't miss any more college classes. " I say and walk off.
I can't help but look around really quick. When he was talking to me, I felt something off. I had this eerie feeling that there was someone else staring at me while he was talking.
Hello! Thanks for reading so far! Sorry for any typos it's un edited.