Depression(Please read)

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I won't be updating anytime soon, because I'm  going through depression of my BWF leaving me to the popular girls. I really hate this point in my life when everything goes down hill and you feel like you are a nobody anymore. Seriously my BWF doesn't even respond to me! When I try to talk to her in the hallway she just scoffs and calls me a 'b*tch'. It makes me want to cry everytime, but I don't. I go to my room when I get home and cry in a corner. I have 2 trustworthy friends through 2e haven't left each other sense we became friends which was like 5 years for 1 and the other 1 is 3 years. They never leave my side. They use to be friends with 'Quiet'(We'll just call her Quiet)
And when ever they see Quiet they glare at her as if she committed a crime, which she did by hurting my feelings! She was like a summer ago my sister really, but when summer came she drifted away from me. She hasn't been to school in a week.
And I am one who doesn't do physical things like punching, kicking, biting, and etc. I use to have so many friends that laughed with me, but now they drifted except those 2 I were talking about. I was threatened to cut by a knife, punched, kicked, and many more. I told my mom that Quiet has disappeared and hasn't been at school. She got worried, but we did nothing. I'm planning to becoming a writer and artist in the future, but this depression makes it difficult to start getting ideas.
I need advice of how to get through this depression.
Comment some advice please.


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