the pack and impring

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Keesha p.o.v

Tomorrow we are going to the Beach for the bonfire and listen to the Legends "hey me and Jake are going to the Beach if guys want to come with us" "me,lex,isla and Lucy would" Keaton said "yeah me and hope want to" chase said "anybody else" she said "maybe later"the rest of us said then we head to the car "well see you guy later let's go" she Said and they left


"Hey let's go to the beach"kian said "yeah let's go" Bree said "fine" I said and we got ready and left

Seth p.o.v
"So you who are you too"I ask "hi I'm hope and this is Keaton"the girl said "and your hear for wh-" I was asking "Seth leave them be this is my imprint hope and he is Alexis imprint" chase said "oh"I said "ok guys lets go""me and nesse well catch up with you guys"Jake said we nod and left. When we got there we went straight to The Cliff well not Emily and the girls accept for Leah,Charlie and sally while we were jumping and playing we hear a girl scream "no don't do it please" we look over to see three girls and two guys where are laughing and two of them were in the water "do you guys smell that" Paul said

Bree p.o.v
I look up to see a pair of dark brown eyes"who are you" I hear some one ask but before any of else answered hope,Keaton,grace,Dustin,Collin,Tania,Alexis,Sally,Charlie, Finn, and chase step in front of us "Sam clam down" Collin said "this is keesha,Bree,kian,blake, layla, and lily" hope said then Jake and nesse came up "Sam its ok" nesse said "look let's go back to the house and we can talk"someone said "Emily!"Sam said "Sam! they can come in too our house""fine"

When we got to their house it was small and red but it was very pretty
"Sam can I talk to you for a minute" brown eyes ask "me too" said two girls and three other guys ask "sure Jake come with us" Sam said "ok"then they left out the backdoor "so whats your names "a guy with black hair said "we will tell you,if you tell us your names" I said "you look very familiar" he said. Lily was the first to be protective and wrapped her arm around me "your not going to hurt her are you" she ask she hate using her power on nice people but she wouldn't haste when it was too protect the people she cared for "no,name is Jared and this is Kim" he said" I'm Rachel and this is Paul"a girl said" I'm Luke and this jace"a boy with pretty eyes said "hi I'm Rebecca and this is ashar" a pretty girl said "I'm quil and this is Claire"said someone else said"hi I'm Ryan and this joy,Ava,and daisy" "I'm Jason and this Lola,Leo,and oliver"I'm Emily" a beautiful woman with scars said

Seth p.o.v
"I knew it"Jake said "how" I said "Alexis and Keaton, Finn and Sally, Chase and hope,then you four imprinted "how did-" I ask "I guess" he said but we couldn't finish the conversation because they came.

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