down in the dm's part three

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i don't remember if i said it, but
thank u for letting me take u to homecoming

ofc, if u talked how u talk in real life on here
i would've said yes to going out w u on a date much

Texascowboy: noted.
can we do that again sometime?


who's chocolategardener?
he keeps messaging me about how
idk u and how i have no right to go out w u
and how he wants to fight w me at school??
i've never heard of this kid

o he's not really popular. but i dated him quite a bit
ago and i did the breaking up and he hasn't
let go since. i blocked him and forgot to tell u he might find ur account

he sounds creepy, should i take this seriously? the fighting threat?

no. he's not one for confrontation.
he never harassed me at school, only online.

did u report to admin????

no, i just blocked him. he wasn't
really a problem until now.

u should've, i'm going to admin tomorrow for it.

just block him and drop it
trust me he's not worth it

ok... but ur fine right he hasn't
threatened u recently?

i'm good. he hasn't.
he doesn't have the balls to
speaking of balls, the date?
what do you want to do?

ur so smooth no wonder i love u


it's way too soon lucas,
but i appreciate u trying to
hide it with your MANY messages
ur adorable

ur cuter. and about the date
how about the movies but no movie, just the candy
store and then we go to my house and
binge watch friends all day

how'd u know i love friends?
and this sounds perfect 💜

ur instagram story is always u
cozied up watching friends. i
thought u would like some company...

no, if we're watching friends,
we're WATCHING friends,
no funny business.

can i be honest?
i've never seen friends. in its entirety...


a day with you sounds perfect.

It was an early morning in New York, past rush hour but the city still wasn't as busy as it usually is. Lucas and Riley walked to the candy store hand in hand they talked about their future, and their past. Riley has held onto her childhood dream of being a bunny farmer while Lucas held onto his, being a veterinarian.
When they got to the candy store, Riley's eyes immediately widened and she turned into a kid again. She ran over to the gummy bears and smiled her goofiest smile while Lucas looked at her not like she was crazy, but with his crazy in love look. They got chocolate and gummy bears and Lucas paid for it all and then headed to Lucas' place. His parents weren't home which meant they could stay up as late as they wanted watching "Friends" on full blast and clap along to the theme song every episode. Lucas may have gotten tired of Joey and Chandler but he never got tired of Riley's giggle when she heard a joke she had watched over a thousand times or her genuine laugh when Lucas made a snarky comment about how weird each character was or the plot line of the episode was. He liked the feeling over her laughing on his chest. Riley's head rested on Lucas' chest with his head perfectly resting atop of hers. By the time season five ended it was already evening and all they had eaten was popcorn and chocolate with a few gummy bears here and there. Lucas was kind of tired of "Friends" so he got up to make an oven bake pizza but paused to clap along to the theme song. They had been clapping so much he started to have mini bruises on his hands. When the theme song was done Riley paused the show for the first time all day. She walked over and put her arms around Lucas' shoulders and her hands laid on his chest and kissed the back of his neck and then his cheek. He quickly turned around and began kissing her lips, passionately. Then she jumped up and wrapped her legs around Lucas' waist as he carried her back to the couch, their lips remaining interlocked. He laid her down on the couch and she tilted her head back, Lucas took advantage and began to kiss her neck and slowly continued down her body. He started to unbutton her dress, his hand quickly racing through each button.
"I said no funny business," she said, breathing heavily.
"Right, sorry about that," Lucas removed his hands from her dress and began buttoning it back up. They both sat up and sat their awkwardly for a few moments. Out of what felt like no where to Lucas, Riley started crying. Riley said "thank you" in between each sniffle as she started to hide her face into Lucas' chest. She cried into his chest and he felt every tear drop on his shirt touch his skin and felt pain for her and hugged her and kissed the top of her head continuously for what felt to Riley like forever.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Lucas said in a soft, sweet voice. Riley nodded her head into Lucas chest and started to sit up.
"Uhm, well as you know Charlie was my ex boyfriend and the last boyfriend I had. He pressured me to have sex when I didn't feel comfortable. While I said yes because I was scared of him leaving me for another girl, I really meant no. And I wasn't going to stop you just now but I-I-I just—it felt like it was that all over again and I couldn't handle it and I'm sorry if you want me to leave, it's fine. I would understand, I know you like that sort of stuff but I don't know anymore. I thought I wanted to, I really did and it wasn't you, it was me I'm sorry," she explained to Lucas, after she was done she lowered her head. Lucas immediately kissed the top of her head again and lifted her head with his hand underneath her chin until their eyes met. Lucas loved her eyes but he didn't like them with tears in them.
"Hey, there's no need to apologize. I'm sorry I tried to have sex with you, we haven't had this conversation and we really needed to but I'm not good at that kind of stuff and I really need to be. You should never apologize for not wanting to do anything it's your choice, when you're ready we can and if you're never ready then we won't and we'll just watch 'Friends' until the sun burns out—or until Netflix takes it off—but I never want you to feel pressured into doing anything, I'll always stop and if I don't you leave me right then and there and never speak to me again," Lucas smiled when Riley laughed at his "Friends" comment and then kissed her forehead, then she looked up at him and placed her hand on his cheek and stroked it with her thumb before kissing him with a deep passionate love. When their lips parted she said, "Lucas Friar, I love you. I don't know why I doubted it before but that was dumb and—" she was cut off by Lucas pressing his lips against hers. Their lips had clashed for so long that afterwards their lips were swollen and tired and they were no longer hungry.
After crying over the series finale, it was far too late to go out and walk Riley home so she texted her dad and said she crashed at Maya's. Riley and Lucas made their way to Lucas' room. He offered the guest room first but Riley didn't want to sleep alone, especially after what happened tonight. Lucas gave her an old over-sized "Texas A&M" shirt to wear and he changed into his favorite sweatpants. They both crawled into bed and Riley rested her head on his chest and bent her leg so it laid across both of Lucas' legs. They quickly fell asleep and Riley had one nightmare of Charlie. She quickly woke up and panicked sitting up and rubbing her forehead and then bursting into tears. As soon as Riley sat up, Lucas woke up and wrapped his arms around her and began to rock her. The same method his mom used when he had nightmares when he was little. He had a strong feeling it was about Charlie. She turned and began to cry into his chest again and instead of feeling the tears through a shirt, instead he felt the tears fall directly onto his bare chest. This hurt him even more, the tears streamed down Riley's face but fell peacefully and slowly down his chest. Every two tears she would sniffle and each time Lucas wanted to hold her closer and tighter. Tears slowly began to form in Lucas' eyes.
"Riley, I think you need help," he said to her.
While wiping her tears away Riley lifted her head and did what she always did she just said, "I'm fine, just a bad dream. It's fine really just a little scary."
"Riley, it's not fine when you cry for ten minutes. I love you and I think you need help. I know you want to have it all under control but I think this is a much bigger thing that you can't control. Please at least look into getting help," he pleaded.
"Okay, I will. But only if you and Maya come with me if I find help. She's the only other one that knows about the messy side of the breakup," she replied.
"I will be there, I promise," he assured her.
After another hour or so hugging each other, Lucas and Riley fell back to sleep.

idk if this is going to be the final part of "down in the dm's" but this is an alright note to end on. it's a little rushed since it's a miniseries by rushed i mean longer parts and more character development in one part than there usually is. if you'd like to see more of this series, let me know. it's an interesting series to me to write.

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