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I didnt sleeped i was up all night thinking about what astrid said do she love my if yes then why would she said 'We should take a break' i was confused the only logical reason is SHE DONT LOVE MY ANYMORE wich means i dont have no more reason to rest on Berk i got up from bed and started packing i packed some tools and drawing of astrid that i made in too toothless little side bags after i was done i walked downstairs and searched for my dad to tell him i went outside it was a beautifull day but not for my i walked around looking for my dad after 1 hour i found him talking with gober at the great hall
"Hey dad i need to talk to you" i said in a serious face
"Hey son i am very busy right now but what you want to say" he replied
"I am leaving" i said
"WHAT YOU MEAN YOU LEAVING" he yelled then i heard someone enter the hall
"Who is leaving" a girl asked i turned around and saw astrid
"Alright now that everybody is here I AM THE ONE WHY IS LEAVING" i yelled a little so everyone could hear it
"Son you cant leave" my dad said
"And why can i ?"i asked
"Because we are together remember" astrid said and she walked towards my
"No we are not you break up with my yesterday and since i have lost you i dont have a meaning to life anymore " i said i was about to walk away but someone had huged my from behind i turned to see astrid i hugged her back tight
"I love you hiccup i will never break up with you what i said yesterday was because i was mad at you i am sorry" She apologized
"No astrid you dont need to apologize i was the one who didnt trusted you i was stupid dumb i love you with everything i have" i said kissed her
"AWW SO CUTE" Ruffnut yelled
"Ye whatever so you to back together" Snoutlout asked looking anoyed
"If she want to" i said
"I want to" she said and i kissed her


Hiccup and Astrid (Jealous) Where stories live. Discover now