drama class (part 1)

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*The sexual tension between Lydia and Stiles as been going on for months. It all started when they saw each other the first day of college. Lydia had just come over a guy named Jackson that she was interested in, and had decided not to date or start liking anyone new. But as soon as she walked in to the classroom, first day of college, she saw him, sitting at the back of the classroom with his brown hair and hazelnut eyes. She tried not to think about him and maybe just ignore him for as long as she could and it worked until she got to work with him in class or sit with him at lunch. The only thing Lydia could think about was how gorgeous and perfect he is.
The days became weeks and the weeks became months, the time just disappeared. And nothing has happened, except that they've talked sometimes and sat at the same table at lunch and in class, until Lydia had enough of the tension, laughing at jokes together and looking into each other's eyes. She wanted to know what he wanted, regardless the answer. She didn't care if they turned up hating each other or maybe, just maybe get together. But that's a huge maybe.*
Lydia's POV:
*It's Monday and I'm walking through the corridor to my locker. I have less than 5 minutes until math class starts so I'm grabbing my things and goes directly to class. The teacher starts talking and after a few minutes I'm working with some equations. It's hard to concentrate cause every time I look up from the book he looks at me with that, the "I don't know what he wants" look. But after minutes of trying to work, the teacher says it's time to quit. So I take my stuff and leaves quickly, cause I want to ignore him as much as I can.*


Teacher: Today you're all going to improvise a scene from a movie. You will all be given a random movie, it can be all kinds of movies. You'll be working in pairs and I'll be the one to choose the pairings. You'll all get 5 minutes to come up with who's playing who etc. Does everyone understand?
*Everyone nods and say yes.*
Teacher: Good. So the ones that will be working together are Scott and Kira, Malia and Allison, Isaac and Theo, Lydia and Stiles, Cora and Boyd. *hands out the paper patches with the movies on*.
*I slowly walk over to Stiles. Stiles. He's gorgeous, he really his, with his veiny arms and hands, his perfect shaped jawline, his beautiful torso. He has everything. But I need to ignore him, and that's clearly not working at all.*
Stiles: *opens up the piece of paper* We got the scene from the notebook when Allie and Noah argues in the rain.
Me: Okey, so I'm Allie and you're Noah?
Stiles: *nods* so we're going to improvise the whole situation or?
Me: Yeah, but we are being the two characters in that specific scene but we can talk or do what ever.
Stiles: Oh okey.
Teacher: The five minutes are up! Who wanna start?
Stiles: *looks at me and then back at the teacher* We can start.
Teacher: Okey, great. So start of by telling us the movie, the scene and the characters.
Me: So we got the scene from the notebook where Allie and Noah are arguing in the rain.
Teacher: Okey. You can start when you're ready. *smiles*
*Everyone, expect me and Stiles, sits down on the chairs. I'm starting to feel nervous and my hearts beating really fast. I'm trying to focus on something else and just breathing, it doesn't quite work but it's better than nothing.*
Stiles(Noah): Why didn't you say something?
Me(Allie): Cause I was scared, and I still am!
Stiles(Noah): Scared of what? Loosing me?
Me(Allie): No, scared of what you'd say and think. I didn't want you to hate me.
Stiles(Noah): Why would I hate you?
Me(Allie): First of all, you don't even care about me. You can't even bother to speak to me. All you do is looking at me and just making this whole thing worse.
Stiles(Noah): What are you talking about? I don't even know you so why should I talk to you?
Me(Allie): *higher my voice* I don't know! You can clearly talk to anyone else without even knowing them, but not me? What's so hard with just saying hi or maybe just try to get to know me? Is there something wrong with me? Cause if there is, please tell me.
Stiles(Noah): *doesn't say anything.*
Me(Allie): Say something. *grabs his hand without even thinking*
Stiles(Noah): *Shakes his hand of from hers* Cause you're so confusing! I don't get what you want.
Me(Allie): Well maybe you should try asking??
Stiles(Noah): I don't know how, I've never been in this kind of situation before.
Me(Allie): This kind of situation?
Stiles(Noah): Yeah, I've never.. felt like this before...
Me(Allie) *I freeze. What is he talking about? Is he still acting?* What do you mean?
Stiles(Noah): I don't know how I feel and it's really frustrating. I just wanna be able to hold you in my arms.
Me(Allie): What? You.. you don't even know me? You always ignores me, like I'm not even in the room and it makes me feel stupid and like I've done something wrong.
*I feel confused about if he is still acting or not? I am, well some of the things I say are true, but is he saying the truth?*
Stiles(Noah): It's not that easy to talk to you when all you do is staying away from me.
Me(Allie): Exuse me? You're the one who stays away from me? I tried to casually stand next to yesterday but you walked away and when you stand with your friends and I come even a bit close, you get SO quiet and doesn't say a word to me.
Stiles(Noah): So what?
Me(Allie): It makes me feel so stupid and unwanted. Why can't you just talk to me like you do to everyone else? Is that so much to ask for?
*He looks at me like he's been slapped in the face. I don't even care if he's acting or not, cause I'm clearly not.*
Me(Allie): And now when you're finally speaking with me, all you say is bullshit. So maybe you should keep ignoring me.
*As soon as I finished my sentence the room went completely quiet. No one is making a sound. I step back and look at him and I can feel my tears burning in my eyes. It feels like I'm standing there for hours, just waiting for him to answer.*
Me(Allie): Say something!
Stiles(Noah): What do you want me to say?! I'm just so done with all of this, I'm done trying..! I don't know what you want me to do or say, cause you're so fucking confusing all the time!! You have this vision in you're head that everything will be okey in the end, when there's never been something to start with. I'm so done with you! All of you!!
*I take a quick look at him and then turn my heel towards the exit. I can't bare to see him. The tears burns down my cheeks while I'm walking faster and faster. I have no idea where I'm going but it doesn't matter, I just wanna get out of here. My thoughts on what just happened go through my mind. It feels so weird and it makes me both annoyed and confused. I don't know if all he said was just part of the acting or if it wasn't.
I go outside and find a bench under a tree just a few meters away. I start to walk towards it when I hear someone calling my name.*

(do you want part 2? let me know by message me! hope you all liked it!

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