Chapter 1

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18th of august 2034 - 2:23 pm / Present

Aiden walked outside, the car in the driveway held Seikatsu, his best friend at the wheel. Her smile still on her face, it was soft and sad. He walked over, seeing her brother in the seat next to her. "Sei, Kolya." He smiled, Kolya merely waved. Whilst seikatsu gave a excited "Hey!"

He opened the car door, Louis was siting there. "Louis, How's the family?" he asked, sitting down and doing up his seatbelt. "She's amazing, Our child will be coming into the world soon." Louis had a smile on his face, as he shut the door, the car roared to life as they pulled out of his driveway.

"Da,da." Kolya sang slowly.

"Da da dee!" Seikatsu sang along.

Louis laughed. "Guys! keep your eyes on the road!" He heard a eep from kolya. "Are you going to kill us! I dont think we're even on the right road yet! Dad will kill us if we break his car.." Kolya yelled, leaning over the seat slightly.

"Which one?" Louis and Aiden teased.

"Yuuri." Seikatsu and Kolya said in unison, then chuckling after. Aiden looked out the window, the life reminded him of his childhood. He was single now, his first and last crush was the person they were visiting now. 

Kanashimi hidoki.

I loved him, He didnt love me back as far as i thought. Until his grandpa told me about how much he loved me, i was crying that day. His known these three his whole life, They were his best friends. "How old is Viktor now?! 54?" Louis snorted, Kolya shot up, tugging on his seatbelt. "His 53! Yuuri is 50! Shut up and don't tease him!" Kolya shot back, flopping back down. 

The car eased to a stop, everyone was silent. "Alright we're here guys." Seikatsu said, a crack in her voice. They got out slowly, Aiden read the sign.

  White Angel Memorial Park  

He could feel his eyes burn with tears.

14th of february 2020 - 9:08 am 

He tapped his pen on his book repeatedly, Thinking about the letter in his locker. It was directed to him, and the first line was..

Dear Aiden, Im you from the future.

He threw it back into his locker, he groaned and leaned back. He should've read it. "What's the groan 'bout?" The females voice shot through him, as a pen poked his shoulder. Aiden looked over and laughed lightly. "Thinking about something, don't worry Sei!"

"I hope Kolya is alright, His school is tough! You should've heard him when he got home. He ran to dad and begged him to go to this school" Seikatsu sighed, head in hands. 

"Teachers late.. Maybe i could sneak out to see your blind little brother" Aiden teased, making seikatsu pout. He laughed it off. "Wheres Louis? He's usually not this late." Aiden asked, zipping his pencil case open as he put the pen inside. 

"Probably getting yelled at by the teacher, He's a troublemaker."Seikatsu snorted, getting up. Just as Aiden shut his pencil case, a hand yanked him outside. 

"Lets go! i have something to get at my locker!" She smiled, running with him down the stairs to locker 547. 

Coincidentally his locker was next to hers, so he opened his and looked at the letter in his bag. He grabbed the letter, stuffing it in his pocket. "I'm going to the bathroom." He walked away, walking into the boys bathroom and into a stall. He sat down and pulled out the rest of the letter.

You may be asking yourself, why am i writing to you, when you're in high school?  Its because i need a huge favour.

Wow, this is fake!

In this letter, i'll chronicle the events that are about to happen and the choices i want you to make, so you don't repeat my mistakes.

14th february: I get to class early, and start thinking about things. 

How did it know?

The teacher is late, and when he comes into class Louis is crying. Don't comfort him.


Wait. Louis?! 

He got up, slamming the door open. he hit into a kid "SORRY!" he yelled, as he continued to run. he opened the class door, the teacher seemed quite mad me being late but told me to sit down. Louis was crying in his seat, next to mine. 

Aiden sat down, turning to louis. "Hey man, its alright! Don't cry, we stick together don't we? hah?" He tried to comfort him, ignoring the letters begs to not. 

"What do you know?" Louis snapped back. "My life is not as cheerful as yours Aiden."

Aiden flinched, then looked down at his book.. bad idea.







He looked up, Kolya, Louis and Seikatsu standing in front of him. Louis wasn't looking at him though, he was looking at the female he had a crush for, since primary school.

"Lets go to the store for lunch!" Seikatsu smiled.

"Sure, i'll pay!" Aiden announced, getting up.

"Really? yay!"The three said.




They walked down the path, making it to the usual store. they walk into the store yelling stuff. "Viktor is so old! I don't blame Yurio for calling him an old man!" Louis laughed.

"Hey! Stop talking about Papa like that!" Kolya yelled, as Aiden walked away. He saw a man bent down looking at the food he seemed confused. "Hey! are you alright? Need help?" Aiden asked, tapping him on the shoulder. The man looked up at him confused, then nodded.

"I.. Looking for.. pocky" He mustered out, his english was alright, not the best. Aiden nodded, and bent down grabbing the red box. He got up, and held it out "Aiden." He said his name.

The man looked extremely confused, as he grabbed the box and pointed at himself. "Aiden? i'm aiden?" That earned laughter from Aiden "No! Sorry, i'm aiden. What's your name?"

"Kanashimi hidoki, Call me Kanashimi because thats my first name.. That's how australians say names right?" he asked, a hint of confusion in their voice.

"Yep! Im Seikatsu! I'm half japanese and i know thank! Kanashimi we're both technically japanese. I know you're japanese because people usually call you.. Hidoki right?" Seikatsu appeared behind Aiden, carrying snacks. 

"Er, yes K-Konnichiwa." He mustered out, earning a smile from her. "Thats Kolya Nikiforov, I'm Seikatsu Nikiforov. Thats Aiden Carter and over there behind you is Louis Krystan." Seikatsu smiled. 

Aiden pulled out his wallet, grabbing the pocky and all the snacks. He paid for it and gave them all back. Kanashimi looked over to seikatsu. "あなたの父親はビクターですか?" [Is your father Victor?]

Kolya looked up "Hai." 

Kanashimi lit up "私は巨大なファンです!" [I am a huge fan!]

Aiden looked confused at the sudden japanese conversation.

"Don't we have to take kolya to class?"

"Er yes" Seikatsu tapped her brother, he grabbed the stick he was using to lean on and began using it to maneuver.

"Cya, Kanashimi."

"Goodbye Aiden."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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