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liked by @jakepaul @lilliecerny and 837,593 others @ash

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liked by @jakepaul @lilliecerny and 837,593 others
@ash.ley1: car journeys 🤪
@lilliecerny: erm why u using my headphones?
@lilliecerny: and put ur boob away!
@hater: jealous cos u have none @lilliecerny
@jakepaul: 😍😍😍
@fan: omg i ship jashley!!!
@ash.ley1: i usually date humans, why would i date a snake? 🤔 @fan
@jakepaul: don't be mean to a fan, only stating the truth babe x
@lilliecerny: oh what happened to Erika? was you not satisfying her enough? awh what a shame 🤣 @jakepaul

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