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tyler tackles the little plastic bag in my left hand as he smashes the money onto the table top. i could see the greed in his eyes, almost drooling with delight.

i chuckle, tossing his weed playfully up into the air and catching it skillfully with my right. he gives a deep cow-like grunt and i snort in laughter.

jabbing my finger in his face, he snatches the bag from my hand and groans. "you're such a dick, marsh.", he snaps, calling me by my surname, which he knew i despised.

i frown at him in annoyance, my forehead wrinkling itself. "fuck off, winters.", i copy his snobby act and count the money on the table. $70 earned today, $80 tomorrow.

he flips up his middle finger proudly at me and marches off, the bag finding its way into the jacket pocket of his adidas windbreaker. i watch him turn a corner and sigh, shoving the money into my bag.

i had been dealing weed since i was 15, one and a half lovely years ago. i had stolen expired credit cards off my mom and bought some cigarettes at the machines and sold those to save up for a proper fake id.

i wasn't really into smoking, actually, but i needed money. fast. and since i'm not a girl, working as a prostitute in a strip club wasn't really a thing i could do.

so i went for weed. it's fast, easy, everyone loves it. i've tried it, but, i have to be honest, it's quite shitty. my throat was sore for three days. no fucking cough syrup or strepsil could help me at that point.

i get up and fling the backpack onto my shoulder, walk around the chair and shove it back in with the heel of my black boot. steps are heard, small and soft rapid steps that come closer to where i'm at.

i feel my breath hitch. i had always known that what i was doing was illegal and though i always put on the brave face i was constantly scared shitless of being caught by the cops.

guess i'm still a little mommy's boy at heart. i stare at the black pin board at the wall standing opposite from me, 12 feet away. i observe maya step around the corner with the same dirty grin she always wears around me.

"hello there, leighton.", she giggles and i walk over to where she stands, pulling her into a hug. i engulf her, my arms around her waist as he snuggles into my chest. she sighs and i take in a short breath of her candy scented perfume.

she eventually pulls away and looks up at me , judging me. "dealing again?", she asks and i bod, since i couldn't really lie well anyways. she rolls her eyes and grabs my hand excitedly.

i've known maya since elementary school and she's always had these crazy mood swings i never really understood. no one gets her at times, but i feel like i can decipher whatever she says. we're not even best friends or together or something.

"okay, lukas is having this party next week and i'm pretty sure there's going to be some great shit.", she says, shaking my hand as she talks. i nod, knowing she meant drugs and alcohol.

one thing about southwest blue valley high parties is that the shit's always good, as in, the stuff you consume, whilst the rest, the people, the music, the location, is just shit.

maya smirks at me, nudging me painfully with one of her sharp ass elbows. "dude, come on.", she whispers. you do not want to see this girl on drugs, it's terrible. ten times worse than she is right now.

i lick my lips, deep in thought. it's funny how i've fucked with almost every girl in my school but i've never tried to mess up maya. she's always just been so nice to me, although i've made her go through some shit.

i look down at my watch, the hands telling me that it's almost 5:30. i should be at home now, watching something on tv, something stupid. but instead, i'm still at school, talking about a heavy drugs filled party and selling weed. what a luxurious life i get to live in.

"so, i'm assuming you need me as 'moral support' or do you just want me to babysit you?", i ask maya, walking towards my locker down the hall. her petit self follows me and grins. "the latter.", she nods and i spin the dial on my locker.

i fake a groan. she laughs like it's the funniest joke she ever heard in her life and smacks her left leg repeatedly. "no, but i need you to be there.", she whispers as she recovers from her laugh-attack. i frown and face her, pulling the rusty door open.

the hinges squeak and i pull out my bottle of red skittle flavored smirnoff. maya eyes it greedily and i hand it to her without saying anything. "what for?", i ask her. she takes a quick swig and had the bottle back to me.

i put that into my bag and wait for her reply in silence. "well, lukas might hate your guts, but he's inviting people from heathland college. imagine all the money you could make.", she tells me. i shake my head in confusion.

"you want me to deal at his party.", i repeat. she nods. "money for yourself, of course.", she adds. she had known that i wasn't well off, not like most of the kids i hang around with. i had worked for my clothes, school supplies and sometimes even basic items like food or tooth brushes.

my parents? pah, i wish i knew where they were. i mean, i can see them, they are actually physically on this planet. mentally, they'll just sit there like the lights are on but no one's home. it scared me at first, but i got quite used to it.

i look back at maya, her long acrylic nails drumming on the desk. her left middle fingernail has broken off, making no sound as she taps her actual nail onto the wood. she chews on her peppermint gum obnoxiously and smirks, something that i just have to laugh at.

"so, what's the plan, marsh?", she sets her eyes onto my face, licking her lips slowly and hoping for the best. i place my finger on my chin, 'thinking'. i look back at her and crack a leighton charm smile.

"count me in.", i say to her and give her a high five.

let's get this story cooking:)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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