From Down to Up

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I wake up to screaming and cheering coming from downstairs. I recognize that all of the voices belong to my friends. It continues for a few minutes before Jess quiets them down and reminds them that I am sleeping upstairs. 

Well, I was

I lift the blanket off my body and sit of the edge of my bed, rubbing my eyes. When I rise to my feet I notice that on my night table is a plate of chocolate chip waffles with fresh berries, that we just bought for the punch (good thing we bought extra of everything), and hot chocolate on the side. I know that Brandon made it for me because Jess and Brandon are the only 2 people in the world that know waffles are the only thing that can cheer me up. However, I know Brandon was the one who made it because Jess' cooking, baking, and barbecuing knowledge is limited to cereal with milk and burnt scrambled eggs.

I bring the - now cold - waffles to my desk and scarf them down, mostly because I haven't eaten in about 24 hours now. Then I chug the not - so - hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and cinnamon and head down stairs to once again see my friends.

"Hi guys," I finally say my first 2 words of the day "what's so exciting?"

"Well first off, all we won the game, apparently," Jess says a little confused "I don't really know how football works - but it looks cool when you're watching big, strong guys on the TV do it."

"They like the game," Brandon comments, pointing at Jimmy and Gareth "and we like the players" Pointing back at himself and Jess.

"And second," Gareth interrupts the giggles "LNNS news called. They want to do a story about you raising money for the girls football team!"

I stand completely still because I am paralyzed from shock. My eyes are bugling out of my head and I am shaking with excitement. "What?" I ask for no reason cause I heard everything "You're kidding me, right? How is that possible? How did they even hear about it?"

"After you attempted murder in the grocery store," Jess starts "One of the anchors came up to Gareth and I to asked what the hell was wrong with you and we told her the story. She was very interested and told us that if we give her our numbers, she would call back later this evening to confirm the date you would be on!" She finishes with lots of anticipation.

"Does Tuesday sound good?" Jimmy asks, gleaming

"Uh..." I take a second to fake think about it "yes!" Everyone laughs and we all sit on the couch, much happier that earlier today.

Since it is Friday night, I am deciding to allow Gareth and Jimmy to drive home while Jess and Brandon stay for a sleepover. It is our first one for a few weeks so I thought since they are already over, they might as well remain in my house for a few more hours. Plus, I have pyjamas that are too small on me for Jess and baggy t-shirts that Brandon can borrow (yes, they are from the men's section). 

We are sitting on my bed, talking, when Jess says "We need some music up in here!" and she plugs her phone into my speakers that are placed on my night table. Not realizing that this is Jess we're talking about here, I forget the only music she has on her phone is Glee and Broadway so the first thing that comes through the speakers is "One short dayyyy in the emerald cityyyyy" all three of us sing along "One short dayyy in the eeemerrraaald ciiityyyyyy" as the tempo increases we are suddenly on our feet dancing every piece of choreography along with the ensemble because the amount of time Jess has made me watch Wicked, I know every line!

We continue to have a karaoke session for about two hours, then, finally fall asleep when listening to All I Ask of You from Phantom of the Opera. 

I awake to It's Delovely from Anything Goes and find myself with Jess' tiny torso on my legs and one of Brandon's shaved armpits in my face. I slowly lift his arm as far away from my nose as possible and slip my legs out from under Jess. I turn off the music and start heading down stairs when I hear Brandon yell "Ow!" 

"Sorry" Jess says sincerely.

"What happened?" I ask walking back into the room.

"Oh, little miss 'I've been taking ballet for years' just Jeté-ed me right in the face!" 

"I said sorry!" Jess defends

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." 

"Breakfast anyone?" I say gesturing for the to walk out my bedroom door. They walk out and I follow down stairs. We each poor a glass of milk and start making breakfast. I make the eggs, Brandon makes the pancakes, and Jess makes three bowls of cereal. We all sit and enjoy our wonderful breakfast. 

"So, have you and Jimmy kissed since the party?" Jess asks, because she is very nosy. 

"I don't really see why this is your business, but no. We have not," I finish.

"First of all, it's my business because you are my best friend," she states "and second, BORING! Come on. Why hasn't he done anything yet? This is taking forever." Just as she finishes her thought, Jess' phone rings. She got a text message from Gareth.

"We have to get dressed and go right now!" She says in a rush "It's important."

"Why do we-"

"Just hurry! No time for questions." She yells

"Just give me the phone!" I say. She tosses it to me and I read; EMERGENCY! Meet Jimmy and I at the school as fast as possible! HURRY!

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