Kai x Jay (Plasma)

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A/N: Ok I know this is a fic about a cartoon, but there'll be cussing only to better emphasize expressions and/or feelings. :)

A/N WARNING: There is a sensitive topic this time. If you get triggered by talk of suicide/suicidal thoughts, please be aware that some is in here! I know some is implied already, but it'll be worse once I get around to updating this oneshot.

For: SchoggoGuchen (Thank you  for requesting!!)


"...It's only for the night...Don't worry about me. I'll be fine...."  Kai remembers some phrases Jay said before he left to go to his parents' house for his mother's birthday. Kai has been awake all night lying on his bunk bed, melancholy having flooded throughout his body. He knows he won't be able to see Jay for awhile. "..I'll be back after the weekend, I promise!.." Kai sighs, knowing the possibility he might actually lose Jay. He shakes his head from the thought of a loss.

Cole awakens from his slumber, yawning and sitting up hunched over on his bed, careful not to hit his head on the bed above himself. Kai turns onto his side to find where the soft sound came from, making the bed give off a crunching noise as its springs shifted from Kai's weight. Cole glances at Kai, speaking up in a whisper quiet enough to not waken the others.

"You still up, buddy?" He gives Kai a weary look while studying Kai's face, noticing a bag on each of his lower eyelids. Kai's eyes widen as his brows raise. "You should really get some sleep, y'know?"

Kai shrugs, "I'm not in the mood."

"Well it's not good to deprive yourself from necessities," Cole slants his mouth in slight disappointment. "If it's Jay you're worried about, just know I'm worried too. I just hide it so well."

((End of teaser))

Kai groans, "Well you're damn good at it... How do you do it?"

Cole grins. "I'm just so used to it. Especially after so many years of putting up with all of you, to put it lightly.

Kai rolls his eyes and gives Cole a half smile, feeling somewhat offended. "Gee, thanks."

Cole looks at the door. "No problem. See ya." He gets up to leave for the bathroom.

Kai rolls to lay on his other side and breaks down in tears, crying himself to sleep.

A while later, Cole returns and takes a peek over Kai's body to look at his face. "Hey Kai?" He whispers. Not a sound comes from Kai. Cole shrugs and sleeps in his own bed.

The next morning, all of the Ninja are awake; Zane cooks in the kitchen while everyone else waits in the living room to be served. The Ninja finally get bored of the game they were playing so they slowly flip through channels. Once it displays the news, a news anchor talks about a suicide that happened the previous night.

"Wait!" Kai bursts out then continues, "Don't change it. Please." Zane joins the Ninja, bringing plates of breakfast with him.

"What was that about?" Lloyd whispers to Cole.

"One name; Jay," he replies. Lloyd mouthes an "oh" before frowning at Kai.

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